
  • 网络Maiji District
  1. 天水市气候资源特点及种植业结构调整研究&以麦积区为例

    A study on Characteristic of climatic resources and adjustment of planting structure & Take Maiji district of Tianshui as an example

  2. 基于GIS的天水市麦积区土壤有机碳空间分布及储量估算

    Spatial Distribution and Reserves Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Based on GIS in Maiji Area of Tianshui

  3. 在此基础上,对麦积区旅游空间结构的现状进行了定量或定性分析,针对该现状进行了优化探讨,并提出了相关措施。

    In view of the status of the optimization , the paper puts forward relevant measures .

  4. 麦积区之名,取“麦积山”前二字而成,因境内有驰名中外的麦积山石窟而得名。

    Michael plot in the name of the district , taking " Maijishan " before the word from that territory as a result of the famous caves Maijishan named after .

  5. 在己知的2185种种子植物中,有25个亚种、171个变种和13个变型,种下等级占本区种子植物总数的9.6%,反映了麦积山风景区植物种类的遗传多样性。

    Of the well-known 2,185 species of spermatophyte , there are 25 subspecies , 171 varieties and 13 forma . Subspecies and other lower types take up 9.6 % of spermatophyte in this region , which reflects the genetic biodiversity .

  6. 麦积山风景名胜区种子植物区系研究

    Study on Spermatophyte Flora of Maiji Mountain Scenic Spot

  7. 麦积山风景名胜区旅游环境容量分析

    Carrying Capacities Analysis of Maiji Mountain Scenic Spot