
  • 【地名】【中国】Jixian County
  1. 最后,本文结合理论分析,立足实证研究,对京津冀县域经济功能进行了全面定位。

    Finally , combinated with theoretical analysis and based on empirical research , the paper orientate county economic functions of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area .

  2. 为了更加深入的了解京津冀县域经济,本文对市域经济与县域经济进行关联研究。首先概述了县域经济在京津冀都市圈经济发展中的作用和地位。

    At first , summarized that the county economy played the role and status in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic development . And then emphatically studied the correlation degree between urban economy and county economy .

  3. 辛集北与深泽县、安平县接壤,东与深县为邻,南与冀县、宁晋县相接,西与晋州市毗连。

    Xinji North and Shen Zexian , Anping , which borders the east and Shenzhen is adjacent counties in the south and Jixian , phase Ningjin Xian , Shanxi Province and adjacent to the West .