
  • 网络Jilu Mandarin;Ji-Lu Mandarin
  1. 莱芜位于山东中部,莱芜方言属于冀鲁官话。

    Laiwu lies in the middle part of Shandong Province , Laiwu dialect belongs to Jilu Manadarin .

  2. 河北省西南部的邢台市,处于晋语向冀鲁官话过渡的地带。

    Xingtai city which is located in southwest of Hebei province , is situated in a transitional belt between Jin dialect ang Ji lu Mandarin .

  3. 河北省西南部的武安市,处于晋语、冀鲁官话和中原官话犬牙交错的接合过渡地带。

    Wu ' an , a county-level city in southwest of Hebei province , is a transitional zone where Jin Dialect , Zhongyuan Mandarin and Jilu Mandarin dialects ( mainly refer to Shandong and Hebei provinces ) are intertwined .

  4. 隶属于北京官话区和冀鲁官话区的廊坊方言,可划分为三个方言区:南部方言区;中部方言区;

    Langfang dialect , which belongs to the school of Beijing common speech and Hebei and Shandong common speech , is divided into three dialect areas : dialect of the south part , dialect of the middle part , dialect of the north part .