
  • 网络processed material
  1. 流态生产的统计质量控制&流程性材料控制图的应用

    Statistical quality control of liquid state materials product & Appliantion of processed material control chart

  2. 许多产品由不同类别的产品构成,服务、软件、硬件或流程性材料的区分取决于其主导成分。

    Many products comprise elements belonging to different generic product categories . Whether the product is then called service , software , hardware or processed material depends on the dominant element .

  3. 在ISO9000体系中属于流程性材料的范畴。

    In the ISO9000 system belongs to the process of material category .

  4. 流程性材料过程性能的评价方法

    The method of evaluating process performance in the process industries

  5. 六西格玛管理在流程性材料生产企业中的应用

    Using Six Sigma Management in Processing Material Producing Company

  6. 产品质量根据产品不同的类别分为服务质量、软件质量、硬件质量和流程性材料质量。

    According to different types of products , product quality is classified into service quality , software quality , hardware quality and excurrent materials quality .