
  • 网络Interested party;related parties
  1. GBean可以注册为其他GBean状态中的相关方。

    A GBean can register as an interested party in the status of other GBeans .

  2. 组织应当在表示同意之前充分理解顾客或其他相关方对过程的要求。

    The organization should have a full understanding of the process requirements of the customer , or other interested party , before initiating its action to comply .

  3. 所有利益相关方最终都同意了这一想法。

    All the interested parties eventually agreed to the idea .

  4. 有关信息将会转发给相关方。

    Pertinent information will be forwarded to the appropriate party .

  5. 但德国已获得相关方的同意,即imf的贡献将“非常重大”。

    However , Berlin has won agreement that the IMF contribution would be " substantial " .

  6. 事件传播:事件可以匿名分发到由ESB管理的相关方列表。

    Event propagation : Events may be anonymously distributed to an ESB-managed list of interested parties .

  7. 这套标准名为“水电可持续性评估规程”(HydropowerSustainabilityAssessmentProtocol),由多个利益相关方起草,其中包括世界银行。这套规程提供了一个框架,供水电开发方监测自己的项目,并进行基准比较。

    Its Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol , drafted with input from various stakeholders , including the World Bank , provides a framework for hydropower developers to monitor and benchmark their projects .

  8. 这些利益相关方之间彼此关联,构成了一种动态社会网络关系,即一种涉及业主、施工方、监理方等利益相关方的多组织规制(institution)动态社会网络系统。

    These stakeholders associate with each other , establishing a dynamic social network , i.e. a dynamic social network of multi-organizational institution in which owners , constructors , supervisors and other stakeholders are all involved .

  9. 2欠发达地区支柱型企业EMS的建立机制可以指导各相关方在企业环境管理过程中应采取的行为。

    The mechanism of setting up EMS in supporting enterprises of underdeveloped areas may guide all stakeholders to behave rationally in the process of corporative environmental management .

  10. 提出了基于SNA的相关方动态治理关系社会网络构建方法。

    Puts forward construction method of the social network of dynamic governance relationships among project stakeholders based on SNA .

  11. 布兰德说,在与伦敦运输局(transportforlondon)、伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)等相关方在项目中合作时,他们在emba项目中学到的一些软技巧非常有用。

    Mr brand says that the soft skills taught on the EMBA were very useful when working with the various stakeholders on the project such as transport for London and the metropolitan police .

  12. 本文具体构建了一种项目融资模式(公私合作模式PPP)应用于信息化建设中,并对项目相关方的作用进行了论述。

    This paper structured project financing mode ( public private partnerships , PPP ) applying to informationization construction , and described the role of project involved parties .

  13. 5年前,时任美国副国务卿罗伯特佐立克(robertzoellick)敦促中国成为国际体系中一个“负责任的利益相关方”。

    Five years ago , the then US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick urged China to become a " responsible stakeholder " in the international system .

  14. 采掘业动议(EITI++)依托现有涉及多个利益相关方的采掘业透明度倡议(EITI)的透明和良政治理理念。

    The EITI + + builds on the transparency and good governance concepts of the existing multi-stakeholder Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative ( EITI ) .

  15. 在周日晚的一个电话会议上,普京和德国总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)同意,所有乌克兰内战相关方都应当努力为独立的国际调查人员提供安全的工作环境。

    In a telephone call between Mr Putin and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany on Sunday night , the two leaders agreed that all sides in the inner-Ukrainian conflict should guarantee a safe working environment for an independent international investigation .

  16. 最后,结合某大学后勤BOT项目实例,分析了此项目各相关方的利益及风险所在,描述了项目各相关方为避免风险应采取的相应措施。

    Finally , with the combination of Tianjin University of Technology logistical example of project , analysis of various BOT project participant to the benefits and risks , description of the project participant in order to avoid risks to be taken by the relevant measures .

  17. INTERTANKO的目标包括不断发展和促进业务实践,帮助行业利益相关方建立建设性伙伴关系等。

    INTERTANKO 's objectives include the development and promotion of best practices and the establishment of constructive partnerships with industry stakeholders .

  18. COP17就像知道的那样,叫做第17次相关方会议,是一个由全球国家和相关方参加的年度会议,其目的是形成一个大规模的解决气候变化的协议。

    COP17 as it was known is the17th conference of parties , an annual meeting of world governments and interested parties aimed at forging a large scale agreement to tackle the climate change .

  19. 虽然实施ISO14001环境管理体系并获取认证是任何组织的自愿行为,但是研究作为相关方之一的地方环保部门,如何在本区域内更好地引导ISO14001环境管理体系的推广是非常重要和有意义。

    As is it a free will for companies to adopt ISO-based EMS and gain the certification , it 's significant to research on local Enviroment Protection Bureau , as one of the interested parts , how promoting to implement EMS in the region .

  20. 确定顾客和其他相关方的需求和期望;

    Determining the needs and expectations of customers and interested parties ;

  21. 我看到一个相关方的特工。

    I 'm looking at an operative from the relevant side .

  22. 同样,这里面也有利益相关方,他们的态度将至关重要。

    Similarly there are stakeholders whose attitudes will be crucial .

  23. 另外,你能保护所有利益相关方的工作关系。

    Plus , youll protect your working relationships with all parties involved .

  24. 第五,相关方的需求矛盾处理。

    The fifth is disposal of the interested parties ' request contradiction .

  25. 揭示了相关方动态治理关系与治理策略选择的关联性。

    Reveals correlation between dynamic governance relationships and choice of governance strategies .

  26. 项目治理中利益相关方动态需求风险分析

    Analysis of Risk Caused by Stakeholders ' Dynamic Requirement in Project Governance

  27. 内部治理审计:利益相关方的视角

    Internal Governance Audit : A View from Interested Party

  28. 其结论可成为环保部门对相关方环保执法的法定依据。

    The results from the post-evaluation can provide references for the governmental department .

  29. 注重过程改进,以确保为已识别的相关方创造价值。

    Focus on process improvement to ensure value for the identified interested parties .

  30. 与会代表将包括来自会员国、非政府组织和其它利益相关方的代表。

    Participants will include representatives from Member States , NGOs and other stakeholders .