
The study says this represents a complete turnaround from previous generations when richer families took the lion 's share of education budgets .
The scale of IMF aid to the comparatively rich euro zone has angered many emerging countries .
Instead , it was a type of H1N1 in Mexico , a relatively rich country with a public health system that was able to identify the infection and respond .
Ammar Ali Hassan , a prominent Egyptian novelist and political sociologist , attributes such attitudes to the return of many relatively affluent Egyptians who were guest workers in Saudi Arabia and other countries on the Persian Gulf .
A relatively wealthy few drive up in cars or vans .
The relative affluence of the white world .
Yet these are relatively well-off countries .
The comparative wealth of western Europe or North America is broadcast across the world .
Social spending is often less about helping the poor than giving goodies to the relatively wealthy .
Among OECD members most of which are relatively rich there was little relation between the results and long-term economic performance .
The city is relatively affluent when compared to other Chinese cities , and it is home to many large private enterprises .
I think , as Beijing is still relatively well off , our leaders are reluctant to stir too much worry here .
As we 've already seen , the relative wealth and permissive societies of Europe are attractive to migrants from the Global South .
He would prefer cities that are relatively wealthy so that the local governments can help bear the costs of the Fortress facilities .
Because people who take aviation aircraft are relatively well-off class in society , relatively , for the service level requirements are higher .
Mr Yi also points to China 's large income gap and the geographic imbalances between its relatively wealthy coastal regions and impoverished hinterland .
Just as other arid area , surface water resource in Qira oasis has the characteristics , which short in spring and autumn while rich in summer .
" Even in Malaysia , which is a relatively wealthy country in the region , the average wage is only $ 34 a month per fisherman ," he said .
Its economic society was strongly characterized by the transition from the traditional agrarian society to the modern society , with its people relatively richer and its society more stable .
Faced with a market in which even the relatively well-heeled find it tough to buy decent housing , Beijing residents seem likely to do a little roaring of their own .
The withdrawals come amid a global financial crisis that has driven down prices of raw material exports and slashed income at exporting companies across Latin America , a commodity-rich region .
While they still lack steady FDI inflows , experts believe Sichuan and Chongqing , which are already wealthy compared with other parts of the west , have the most economic potential .
Beijing has been particularly reluctant to raise diesel prices because the fuel is used by hundreds of millions of peasants to power agricultural equipment , while petrol is largely consumed by more affluent urbanites .
While it is common for people from poorer countries to migrate to developed , wealthier nations , experts found there was also migration between developing countries & for example , from Guatemala to mexico .
Therefore , in the relatively rich area , such as Suzhou and Shanghai , the folk capital began to combine into stock company by means of raising capital by floating shares and subscribing for shares .
And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty , we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders ; nor can we consume the world 's resources without regard to effect .
While there has been a small fall in the application rate among English students ( somewhat different rules apply in devolved Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland ), the drop was sharper among those from wealthier areas .
But a credit rating report on Guangdong shows that even this relatively well-to-do province is heavily dependent on land and property sales , and that could make it vulnerable to financial stress in the current real-estate market downturn .
Even relatively well-off Chinese feel health-care facilities are inadequate , with 31 % saying it 's difficult to access care in public hospitals , according to a McKinsey survey of 1000 people with annual incomes greater than 80000 yuan ( $ 12600 ) .
Migrants born into the relative plenty of the 1990s are considerably more spendthrift than those born in the 1980s and 1970s , spending 53 per cent of their incomes , compared with 47.2 per cent and 38.3 per cent respectively , the survey shows .