
  1. 这项调查称,这意味着和前几代人相比,情况发生了彻底的变化:此前,相对富裕的家庭得到了大部分的教育预算。

    The study says this represents a complete turnaround from previous generations when richer families took the lion 's share of education budgets .

  2. IMF为相对富裕的欧元区所提供的援助规模之大惹恼了很多新兴国家。

    The scale of IMF aid to the comparatively rich euro zone has angered many emerging countries .

  3. 但事实是在墨西哥出现了一种H1N1病毒。墨西哥是个相对富裕的国家,其公共卫生体系有能力识别传染病原并做出反应。

    Instead , it was a type of H1N1 in Mexico , a relatively rich country with a public health system that was able to identify the infection and respond .

  4. 埃及著名的小说家和政治社会学家阿马尔•阿里•哈桑(AmmarAliHassan)觉得,这种态度是因为许多相对富裕的埃及人正在回国。他们曾在沙特阿拉伯和波斯湾其他国家打工。

    Ammar Ali Hassan , a prominent Egyptian novelist and political sociologist , attributes such attitudes to the return of many relatively affluent Egyptians who were guest workers in Saudi Arabia and other countries on the Persian Gulf .

  5. 少数相对富裕的人则开着汽车或面包车。

    A relatively wealthy few drive up in cars or vans .

  6. 白人世界的相对富裕。

    The relative affluence of the white world .

  7. 不过,这些还是相对富裕的国家。

    Yet these are relatively well-off countries .

  8. 西欧和北美的相对富裕在世界各地可谓家喻户晓。

    The comparative wealth of western Europe or North America is broadcast across the world .

  9. 社会开支往往并没有帮助穷人,反而施惠于相对富裕的群体。

    Social spending is often less about helping the poor than giving goodies to the relatively wealthy .

  10. 在经合组织成员国中(多数国家相对富裕),排名情况跟长期经济表现没有多少相关性。

    Among OECD members most of which are relatively rich there was little relation between the results and long-term economic performance .

  11. 城市是相对富裕时,相比于其他中国城市,这是家里的许多大型民营企业。

    The city is relatively affluent when compared to other Chinese cities , and it is home to many large private enterprises .

  12. 我觉得,这是因为北京还是相对富裕,领导们不愿在这里引起过多的担忧。

    I think , as Beijing is still relatively well off , our leaders are reluctant to stir too much worry here .

  13. 我们已经知道,欧洲国家的相对富裕和移民准入政策吸引了大量的南半球劳工。

    As we 've already seen , the relative wealth and permissive societies of Europe are attractive to migrants from the Global South .

  14. 他更偏向于那些相对富裕的城市,以便让地方政府分担城堡设施的成本。

    He would prefer cities that are relatively wealthy so that the local governments can help bear the costs of the Fortress facilities .

  15. 因为乘坐航空飞机的人都是社会中相对富裕的阶层,相对来说,对于服务的层次要求更高。

    Because people who take aviation aircraft are relatively well-off class in society , relatively , for the service level requirements are higher .

  16. 易宪容还指出,中国的收入差距相当大,而相对富裕的沿海地区和贫穷的内陆地区之间也存在地理上的不平衡。

    Mr Yi also points to China 's large income gap and the geographic imbalances between its relatively wealthy coastal regions and impoverished hinterland .

  17. 干旱地区地表水资源共同特点是春、秋季供水紧张,夏季相对富裕;

    Just as other arid area , surface water resource in Qira oasis has the characteristics , which short in spring and autumn while rich in summer .

  18. 即便在相对富裕的马来西亚,每个渔民每月的工资平均也只有34美元。

    " Even in Malaysia , which is a relatively wealthy country in the region , the average wage is only $ 34 a month per fisherman ," he said .

  19. 苏南经济社会具有浓厚的由传统小农社会向现代社会过渡的特征,人民生活相对富裕,社会相对稳定。

    Its economic society was strongly characterized by the transition from the traditional agrarian society to the modern society , with its people relatively richer and its society more stable .

  20. 在北京这样一个即使是相对富裕的人也很难买套像样的房子的地方,北京居民看起来可能要独自怒吼了。

    Faced with a market in which even the relatively well-heeled find it tough to buy decent housing , Beijing residents seem likely to do a little roaring of their own .

  21. 由于金融危机的影响,在全世界相对富裕的、商品异常丰富的拉丁美洲,商品经济和贸易的影响非常之大,导致购买者的对蓝山咖啡进口的不确定。

    The withdrawals come amid a global financial crisis that has driven down prices of raw material exports and slashed income at exporting companies across Latin America , a commodity-rich region .

  22. 尽管仍然缺少稳定的外商直接投资流入,但专家认为,西部其它地区本已相对富裕的四川和重庆最具经济潜力。

    While they still lack steady FDI inflows , experts believe Sichuan and Chongqing , which are already wealthy compared with other parts of the west , have the most economic potential .

  23. 政府并不情愿提高柴油价格,因为上亿的农民需要柴油来启动农机设备,而汽油主要由相对富裕的城里人消费。

    Beijing has been particularly reluctant to raise diesel prices because the fuel is used by hundreds of millions of peasants to power agricultural equipment , while petrol is largely consumed by more affluent urbanites .

  24. 普遍的情况是,较贫穷的国家的人移民到相对富裕的发达国家去,但专家们还发现发展中国家之间也存在着移民现象。比如从危地马拉移民到墨西哥。

    While it is common for people from poorer countries to migrate to developed , wealthier nations , experts found there was also migration between developing countries & for example , from Guatemala to mexico .

  25. 因此,在经济相对富裕的苏沪地区,民间资本开始通过招股与认股的方式组合成为股份公司。

    Therefore , in the relatively rich area , such as Suzhou and Shanghai , the folk capital began to combine into stock company by means of raising capital by floating shares and subscribing for shares .

  26. 对于那些与我们一样相对富裕的国家,我们不能再对外界的苦难漠不关心,更不能继续大肆索取世界的资源。

    And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty , we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders ; nor can we consume the world 's resources without regard to effect .

  27. 英格兰学生的申报率有微弱下滑(在权力下放的苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰地区的规则有所不同),而来自相对富裕地区的学生申请率下滑却更为明显。

    While there has been a small fall in the application rate among English students ( somewhat different rules apply in devolved Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland ), the drop was sharper among those from wealthier areas .

  28. 但一份对广东的信用评级报告显示,尽管是个相对富裕的省份,广东也严重依赖土地出让和房地产销售,在当前房地产市场低迷的情况下,可能很容易面临金融压力。

    But a credit rating report on Guangdong shows that even this relatively well-to-do province is heavily dependent on land and property sales , and that could make it vulnerable to financial stress in the current real-estate market downturn .

  29. 甚至相对富裕的中国人也觉得医疗设施不足。麦肯锡调查了1000名年收入超过8万元的人士,31%的人表示在公立医院很难看上病。

    Even relatively well-off Chinese feel health-care facilities are inadequate , with 31 % saying it 's difficult to access care in public hospitals , according to a McKinsey survey of 1000 people with annual incomes greater than 80000 yuan ( $ 12600 ) .

  30. 前述调查显示,出生于相对富裕的90年代的90后,在花钱方面比80后和70后要大手大脚得多。他们花掉53%的收入,而80后和70后的这个数字分别为47.2%和38.3%。

    Migrants born into the relative plenty of the 1990s are considerably more spendthrift than those born in the 1980s and 1970s , spending 53 per cent of their incomes , compared with 47.2 per cent and 38.3 per cent respectively , the survey shows .