
  • 网络cultural creation;Cultural Creative;Cultural Creatures
  1. 艺术是人类感性观念文化创造活动。

    Art is the cultural creative activity based on people 's perceptual notions .

  2. 全球化提供了本土文化创造的契机。

    Globalization provides a chance for the local cultural creation .

  3. 尽管巴黎品酒会为我们的葡萄酒文化创造了奇迹,但是我相信,美国的葡萄酒文化从1966年就诞生了,那时RobertMondavi在纳帕谷建立了他的同名酿酒厂。

    While the Paris tasting did wonders for our wine culture , I believe America 's wine culture started in1966 , when Robert Mondavi opened his namesake winery in Napa Valley .

  4. 民族是人类相对隔绝的产物,没有各个不同地域内人群相对隔绝的文化创造,也就没有人类语言、习俗、观念等方面的不同,也就没有民族。

    Nation was the result of human being relative isolation .

  5. 深化文艺美学研究推动先进文化创造&《向峰文集》学术座谈会纪要

    Deepen the Study of Literary Aesthetics Impel the Creation of Advanced Culture

  6. 在文化创造过程中,编辑的收集、整理职能对文化创造起着基础性作用;

    Editing plays an important role in the process of cultural creation .

  7. 论文化创造中的编辑职能

    On Editing Functions in the Process of Cultural Creation

  8. 符号是人类古老的文化创造活动形式;

    Symbol is the ancient form of culturally creative activity of human society ;

  9. 最后,文化创造了。

    In the end , culture has been created .

  10. 人文精神是人类文化创造的价值和理想。

    Humane spirit is the value and ideal that the human culture creates .

  11. 文化创造是人类的基础性的文化活动形式,分为无意创造和刻意创造两种。

    Cultural creation , either consciously or unconsciously , is the basic form .

  12. 建筑文化创造与建筑设计方法学

    Creation of Architectural Culture and Architecture Design Way

  13. 编辑活动过程本身是一项复杂的系统的文化创造工程。

    The editing activity itself is a complex but systematic project of cultural innovation .

  14. 论张爱玲小说的文化创造

    On the Cultural Creativity in Fictions by Zhang-Ailing

  15. 弘扬民居传统文化创造特色时代住宅

    Highlight the traditional culture of vernacular dwellings , create distinguishing housing of the time

  16. 文化创造活动特律

    The Law of Activities in Cultural Creativity

  17. 文化创造与反抗绝望&屈原的知识分子品格谫议

    Cultural Creation and Resistant Despair & On QU Yuan ′ s Character as an Intellectual

  18. 成语来源于文化创造的各个方面,它们本身就富有文化内涵。

    Originating from various sources of cultural creation , idioms are heavily loaded with cultural implications .

  19. 中国建筑和中国语言:异质同构的文化创造

    Architecture of China and Chinese Language : the cultural Creations that are same in structure and different in character

  20. 牌成功与发展的过程,实质上也是品牌文化创造与传播的过程。

    The process of product-and-brand 's success and development is also the process of its creation and spread in essence .

  21. 从物质能量型到信息符号型&论人类文化创造模式的符号化转换

    From " matter-energy Mode " to " Information-symbol Mode " & On the Symbolization Transformation of Human Culture Creature Mode

  22. 课程变革本质上是一种文化创造,而文化反过来又构成课程变革之基础。

    Curriculum change is essentially a process of cultural creation . Meanwhile , culture forms the basis of curriculum change .

  23. 然后论述了以民族精神和时代精神为力量之源,通过采取多种形式的教育活动去激发高校文化创造的活力。

    Through various forms of educational activities we can stimulate the creation of the cultural vitality of colleges and universities .

  24. 第二节主要梳理了他在不同时期对文学与文化创造关系的认识。

    The second section mainly combed the role of literature according to the demand of cultural creature in different periods .

  25. 最后是对大众文化创造和研究的美学期待,是走向审美实践批评的大众文化。

    Finally it is the aesthetic prospect of popular culture creation and study , and aesthetics practical criticism of popular culture .

  26. 更挖掘自身内涵与先进文化创造的交互作用,以创新、延伸的姿态适应时代发展的要求。

    Unearths own connotation and the advanced cultural creation correlation , innovates the posture adaptation time development request which , extends .

  27. 这一变化,充分体现了明清时期地方文化创造过程中的复杂性与多元性。

    This change in the Ming and Qing Dynasties fully reflects the local culture in the process of creating complexity and diversity .

  28. 人类的木文化创造了科学世界,森林文化也是文学艺术创作的重要源泉。

    The " wood culture " created the scientific world . Forest culture is also an important source of the literature and art .

  29. 人类社会的发展史既是文化创造的历史,也是大众媒介的发展史。

    History of development of human society is both a cultural history of creation , is also the history of the mass media .

  30. 这瓦解了他们进行文学和文化创造的自信,也深刻影响了延安文学的品格。

    This not only reduced their confidence in literary and cultural creation , but influenced deeply the quality and style of Yan'an literature .