
wén yì ɡōnɡ zuò zhě
  • writers and artists;literary and art works
  1. 文艺工作者还要不断丰富和提高自己的艺术表现能力。

    Writers and artists also need to constantly improve their professional skills .

  2. 这些文艺工作者,有许多是抗战以后开始工作的;

    Many of these writers and artists have begun their work since the outbreak of the war of resistance ;

  3. 鲁迅非常关心新作家的成长,他要求革命文艺工作者必须深入生活实践;

    Lu Xun was very much concerned with the maturity of the new writers .

  4. 我们的文艺工作者,应该向他们好好做工作。

    Our literary and art workers must do a good job in this respect .

  5. 我们的文艺工作者一定要完成这个任务,转变他们的立场。

    Our literary and art workers must accomplish this task and shift their stand .

  6. 文艺工作者理应受到党和人民的信赖、爱护和尊敬。

    They should enjoy the respect , trust and love of our party and people .

  7. 最终,党和文艺工作者的思想领导关系变成了行政领导关系。

    And hence the ideological leadership between the Party and literary workers was changed into the administrative leadership finally .

  8. 一切进步文艺工作者的艺术生命,就在于他们同人民之间的血肉联系。

    The creative life of all progressive writers and artists is rooted in their intimate ties with the people .

  9. 老一代文艺工作者,在发现和培养青年文艺工作者方面负有重要的责任。

    Writers and artists of the older generation bear an important responsibility for discovering and training young people of talent .

  10. 青年文艺工作者年富力强,思想敏锐,是我们文艺事业的未来。

    Our young writers and artists are vigorous and perceptive and in them lies the future of our literature and art .

  11. 由谁来教育文艺工作者,给他们以营养呢?教育者要努力培养青少年良好的心理品质;

    It points out in the end that educators should make great efforts to cultivate the youngsters ? good mental character .

  12. 在国家意识形态指导下,它被云南省文艺工作者搜集起来,并进行了整理。

    Under the guidance of the national ideology , it was gathered together and was consolidated by the artists of Yunnan Province .

  13. 2006年荣获黑龙江省“十佳文艺工作者”称号,并当选黑龙江省文联副主席、黑龙江省美协主席;

    In2006 , was voted as vice Chairman of Heilongjiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of Heilongjiang Artist Association ;

  14. 我们希望,文艺工作者中间有越来越多的同志成为名副其实的人类灵魂工程师。

    We hope that more and more comrades in their ranks will become real ` ` engineers of the human soul ' ' .

  15. 这次大会,是全国文艺工作者在新长征中的第一次盛会。

    The present congress is the first gathering of writers and artists from all over the country in this period of our new Long March .

  16. 就是我们的文艺工作者的思想感情和工农兵大众的思想感情打成一片。

    It means that the thoughts and feelings of our writers and artists should be fused with those of the masses of workers , peasants and soldiers .

  17. 这次大会,标志着全国文艺工作者的空前团结。在游戏品质没有达标之前,我们是不会发行的。

    This congress reflects the unprecedented unity of writers and artists throughout the country . We won 't put something out until the quality level is there .

  18. 顾青是一位军队文艺工作者,他奉命来寻找乡间民俗,找到了翠巧。

    Gu Qing , a soldier and an artist , is given the task to search for folklore in the countryside and finds his way to Cuiqiao .

  19. 我以为有这样一些问题,即文艺工作者的立场问题,态度问题,工作对象问题,工作问题和学习问题。

    I think they are the problems of the class stand of the writers and artists , their attitude , their audience , their work and their study .

  20. 只有不畏艰难、勤学苦练、勇于探索的文艺工作者,才能攀登上艺术的高峰。

    Only those writers and artists who defy difficulties , who study and practise diligently , and who dare to explore new ground can scale the artistic heights .

  21. 文艺工作者要深入群众、深入生活,为人民奉献更多无愧于时代的作品。

    Literary and art workers should go deep among the masses and into the thick of life so as to contribute to the people more works worthy of the times .

  22. 中年文艺工作者是我们文艺队伍的骨干力量,要充分发挥他们的作用。

    As for the middle-aged generation , they are the mainstay of our literary and art work , and we should make it possible for them to contribute all they can .

  23. 任何进步的、革命的文艺工作者都不能不考虑作品的社会影响,不能不考虑人民的利益、国家的利益、党的利益。

    Every progressive and revolutionary writer or artist has to take into account the social effects of his works and the interests of the people , the state and the party .

  24. 文艺工作者应该学习文艺创作,这是对的,但是马克思列宁主义是一切革命者都应该学习的科学,文艺工作者不能是例外。

    It is right for writers and artists to study literary and artistic creation , but the science of Marxism-Leninism must be studied by all revolutionaries , writers and artists not excepted .

  25. 在作战开始日数周前,该地已满布战斗机。这些文艺工作者,有许多是抗战以后开始工作的;

    Even several weeks before the day it became jammed with fighter craft . Many of these writers and artists have begun their work since the outbreak of the War of Resistance ;

  26. 要促进文艺工作者进一步加强团结,相互学习,相互激励,提倡文人互勉,反对文人相轻。

    They must promote further cohesion among workers in literature and art , mutual study and learning and mutual encouragement , encourage mutual aid , and oppose when artists put one another down .

  27. 抗日战争爆发以后,革命的文艺工作者来到延安和各个抗日根据地的多起来了,这是很好的事。

    It is very good that since the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan , more and more revolutionary writers and artists have been coming to Yenan and our other anti-Japanese base areas .

  28. 贾作光与他同时代的舞蹈工作者们,为了用民族舞蹈艺术地反映蒙古族人民的生活,发挥了文艺工作者在革命斗争中的特殊作用。

    Mr Jia and his contemporary dancers have exerted extraordinary influence of the literary and art workers in the revolutionary struggles in order to reflect artistically the life of Mongolians by means of ethnic dancing .

  29. 对于全国文艺工作者而言,绝大多数已经置身于四化建设之中了,和延安时代相比已经发生了根本性变化;

    The literary and art workers of the whole country , most of whom have been thrown into the construction for realizing the four modernizations and have thoroughly differed from those during the Yenan period .

  30. 我们的文艺工作者需要做自己的文艺工作,但是这个了解人熟悉人的工作却是第一位的工作。

    Our writers and artists have their literary and art work to do , but their primary task is to understand people and know them well . In this regard , how have matters stood with our writers and artists ?