
shuānɡ bǎi fānɡ zhēn
  • two hundred policies;two principles;Let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend.
双百方针 [shuāng bǎi fāng zhēn]
  • [the two principles;Let a hundred flower blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend] 百花齐放,百家争鸣方针的简称。是中国共产党1956年提出的促进艺术发展、科学进步和社会主义文化繁荣的方针。

  1. 关于双百方针的历史回顾与思考

    A Historical Retrospection and Contemplation of the " Double-hundred Policy "

  2. 双百方针的目的是促进社会主义文化的繁荣。

    The policy is designed to enable socialist culture to flourish .

  3. 对双百方针受挫的历史反思

    Historical Rethinking of the Setback of the Policy " Double Hundred "

  4. 双百方针与真理发展

    The " double hundred " policy and development of truth

  5. 双百方针与期刊发展规律

    The Double Hundred Policy and the Rules Guiding the Development of Periodical

  6. 坚持双百方针不断繁荣军事法学研究

    Sticking to " Two Hundred Guidelines " to Constantly Advance Military Law Research

  7. 第一章节重点论述双百方针提出前后的政治环境和散文创作概况。

    The first chapter focuses on the " double hundred " policy put forward before and after the political environment and Prose profile .

  8. 所以,我们坚持安定团结,坚持四项基本原则,同坚持双百方针,是完全一致的。

    So the upholding of stability and unity and of the four cardinal principles is entirely in line with our adherence to that policy .

  9. 今天,在新的历史时期,我们要认真总结历史教训,坚定不移地贯彻“双百方针”,促进社会主义文化的繁荣。

    In the new historic era , we must draw a lesson from history and stick to this guideline , to let the socialist culture bloom .

  10. 甚至认为是生动活泼,是双百方针的体现。

    They even consider it something lively and colourful , an embodiment of the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom , a hundred schools of thought contend .

  11. 双百方针后来遭到了严重挫折,其中原因非常复杂,留下了沉痛的历史教训。

    Yet the policy " Double Hundred " suffered a serious setback afterwards and left behind an extremely painful historical lesson , the reason of which was extremely complex .

  12. 建国后意识形态话语泛滥,虽出现双百方针下的学术争鸣,仍然给文学研究带来损失。

    After our country was founded , ideological discourse inundant , it appeared academic contention under the " Shuang Bai Policy ", however , brought damnify to literary research .

  13. 但是把开展批评同双百方针对立起来,却是一种严重的误解或曲解。性格双重性与性别二元对立的消解&论《查特莱夫人的情人》

    To place criticism in contradiction to that policy is a gross misunderstanding or distortion . Character Dualism Dispels Gender Antagonism & Comments on Lady Chatterley s Lover by D.H.Lawrence ;

  14. 双百方针所营造的宽松的政治氛围为艺术探索提供了良好的外在条件;他宽刑省狱,平反冤案,改变了动辄诛杀的严酷的政治空气;

    A loose-fitting political atmosphere offered good external terms for the thing that art was probed . He made criminal laws lenient and redressed mishandled cases so as to eliminate astringent political atmosphere .

  15. 在双百方针和建设有民族特色的马克思主义文论文艺政策的推动下,一度出现了古代文论研究的复兴。

    Under the impetus of the arts policy of " Shuang Bai " and to build a national characteristics of the Marxist Literary Arts , there was the renaissance of Ancient literary theory research .

  16. 其实,关于双百方针,历史上已经有权威的结论,那就是双百方针是一项繁荣社会主义科学和文化艺术的基本方针。

    In fact , about the " double hundred " policy , there is an authoritative opinion that the " double hundred " policy is a basic flourishing policy of socialist culture and arts .

  17. 双百方针的理论基础之一是马克思主义的认识论。马克思主义认识论的核心是真理发展的客观规律。

    One of the foundations of theory for the " double hundred " policy is the theory of knowledge of Marxism , the core of which is the objective law of the development of truth .

  18. 双百方针当然要为这个最大利益服务,而决不能反对这个最大利益。

    The policy of " letting a hundred flowers bloom , a hundred schools of thought contend " must , of course , serve this interest ; it absolutely must not run counter to it .

  19. 文章体裁、题材、词汇类型和挖空类型对高考英语多项选择式完形填空难度影响的研究编辑视野下另类话语的生存空间&双百方针前《人民文学》另类话语的文本意义

    Study of the Influence of Text Type , Text Topic , Word Class and Deletion Type on the Difficulty of MC Cloze Test in CEE Living Space of Marginal Discourse Under the Editor 's View

  20. 本文论述了从双百方针酝酿实施到被迫终止这一时间内运动概况,时间大体上从1956年初到1957年底。

    In this paper , the author discusses the overview from the implementation of the " double hundred " policy to its termination by force . The time is generally from the early 1956 to the late 1957 .

  21. 有些人把双百方针理解为鸣放绝对自由,甚至只让错误的东西放,不让马克思主义争。

    Some people took the ` ` hundred flowers ''policy to mean that there was absolute freedom to air any views , or even that only wrong views could be expressed , leaving no room for Marxist arguments .

  22. 第一部分主要论述了百花文学思潮的内涵,双百方针的提出,及其在国际和国内两方面的历史背景下百花文学的产生与凋落过程。

    The first part of main discusses the main ideas of " Baihua Literature " trend , " Two hundred " policy put forward , and in international and domestic two aspects of the history background of the " Baihua Literature " into generation and fade process .

  23. 摘要建国初期,在探索社会主义建设道路的过程中,从思想改造运动到“双百方针”的提出再到反右斗争,党对知识分子采取了摇摆不定的政策。

    During initial stage of establishing the state , the Party adopted paradoxical policies for intellectuals in the process of probing the of socialistic construction , that from the thought remolding compaign to " shuang Bai policy " and again to the combat of " inclining right " .

  24. 这就把“双百”方针这个无产阶级的马克思主义的方针,歪曲为资产阶级的自由主义的方针了。

    They were turning the proletarian Marxist policy of the'hundred flowers'into a bourgeois policy of laissez-faire .

  25. “新”是一切稿件的价值所在,学术观点上的“新”应按照“双百”方针来评价;

    " new " of manuscript and academic " new " should be adopted to appraise the editor according to " double hundred " policy .

  26. 对于思想问题,无论如何不能用压服的办法,要真正实行“双百”方针。

    In dealing with ideological problems we must never use coercion but should genuinely carry out the policy of " letting a-hundred flowers bloom , a-hundred schools of thought contend " .