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  1. 穿行在双庙(音译)村里,朱龙伟(音译)随手指着那些没有被HIV病毒感染的家庭的庭院。

    WALKING through the village of Shuangmiao , Zhu Longwei points out the houses of families unaffected by HIV , the virus that causes AIDS .

  2. 双庙这个村庄,像很多和她命运相似的村庄一样,是近几十年来中国公共卫生领域发生的最丢脸的丑事的牺牲品。

    The village , and many like it , is a victim of China 's biggest public-health scandal of recent decades .

  3. 按照单项组分、综合评价法,对邵庄双庙水源地第四系孔隙水和寒武奥陶系岩溶水环境质量现状进行了评价。

    Evaluation of Shaozhuang-Shuangmiao water site Quaternary pore water and Cambro-Ordovician karstic water environmental quality status quo were based on single constituent comprehensive evaluation .

  4. 2004年开始,政府部门开始在双庙和附近村子发送免费抗病毒药物。但村民抱怨说药物有副作用而且抗药性也在增强。

    The government began distributing free anti-retroviral drugs in Shuangmiao and nearby villages in2004 , but villagers complain of bad side-effects and growing resistance to the medication .

  5. 但是,河南的官员,北京也有,仍旧对媒体报道像双庙这样的农村进行压制。

    But officials in Henan , as well as some in Beijing , remained just as determined to suppress news of what had happened in villages such as Shuangmiao in the1990s .

  6. 石几下放一双破草鞋,庙前有两畦韭菜。

    Devolution of a pair of straw sandals a few broken stone , the temple has two plot of leeks .