- 名catamaran

His catamaran will do 37 knots .
Attitude Control of Hydrofoil Catamaran via State-Feedback H_ ∞ Algorithm
Experimental Investigation on Resistance of High Speed Catamaran with Deep Vee Hull Forms
The design of the attitude controller of fully-submerged hydrofoil catamaran in waves is studied , based on state-feedback H_ ∞ algorithm .
This paper analyses the model test results of some conventional catamarans , and gives graphically the relationship between interference resistance fraction K_r and separation ratioK / b ;
The fourth part , has designed SWATH ship stabilizing fin PID and the optimum control , and conducts the simulation research and the comparison to its function effect .
Attempt is also tried to apply the present method in predicting wash wave of conversional catamaran , the comparison between the prediction and the model test measurement shows fairly good agreement .
This paper present the analytical method for structural load calculation for SWATH ship , and the short cut method with empirical formula for preliminary design .
Numerical calculations of ship wave making resistance and wave pattern in near field for high speed displacement monohull , catamaran and trimaran by a NURBS based generalized boundary element method are studied .
The wave patterns and wave pattern resistance for high speed displacement catamarans are calculated adopting a generalized high order panel method based on NURBS ( non uniform rational B splines ) . ( 2 ) C shape ;
One of the key techniques in SWATH design is the prediction of the hydrodynamic performances , whereas resistance prediction is the most important task of hydrodynamic performance prediction .
Study of the Calculation of Wave Profile for Mono-and Twin-hull Ships by a modifying Method Based on Noblesse 's New Slender Ship Theory
There are several instances prescribed by Chapter 15 & catamaran structure supplement prescript in CCS " freshwater ship class and building criterion " which need to be calculated directly .
Senses , which page bought for a reported $ 45 million , carries a Hobie wave catamaran , a 28-foot classic Herreshoff sloop , and a helipad .
From the view point of the basic theory of ship movement , the article makes a theoretical study on the movement of conventional catamaran at regular wave and gives a theoretical way of prediction with an aid of the theory of slender body and Frank method .
Regard a 200t high-speed WPC as example , this topic carries out the calculation and verification of main parameters for waterjet propulsor system , and plots the characteristic curve of catamaran navigation .
It is established the maneuverability model of a type of catamaran propelled by waterjet-propulsion based on MMG equation , and analyzed the cooperation of the ship-diesel-pump while the catamaran in turning motion .
The study shows that the tidal current power station satisfies 150 kW turbines ' requirement , and the structure strength satisfies the requirements of China Classfication Society .
The SWATH ( small waterplane area twin hull ) ship has wide deck area and good sea keeping performance . Its ultimate load-carrying capacity is extremely concerned , becoming a hot issue in structural strength of ship hulls and study for design method , because of its complicated structure .
On the basis of previous work by modifying Noblesse 's new slender ship theory , extending which to the application to twin-hull ship , this paper proposes a method for calculation of the wave resistance generated by twin-hull ships .
A Study on WPC Hull Lines Based on Parametric Design Method
An experimental study on eliminating waves of catamaran by stagger arrangement
Study of Form and Performance of High Speed Wave Piercing Catamaran
Discussion on the Hull Structure of Small Waterplane Area Twin-hull Craft
Modeling and simulation of the motions of hydrofoil catamaran in wave
High speed Catamaran & A New Type of Inland Passenger Ships
Mathematical expressions are derived for hydrodynamic coefficients and exciting forces .
Analysis of Structural Patterns and Characteristic Parameters of Catamarans in China
Statistics-based analysis of performance pattern and design concept of SWATH ships
Analysis on Control Methods and Preliminary Design of SWATH Ship