
  • 网络Shiraz;Sila;syrah;Sierra;Shira
  1. 我又向亚当・李和戴安娜・李进行了咨询。他们以SiduriandNovy为品牌制造了数十种不同的葡萄酒——原料是来自加利福尼亚和俄勒冈各地的霞多丽(Chardonnay)、西拉(Syrah)和黑皮诺(PinotNoir)葡萄酒。

    I put the question to Adam and Dianna Lee , who make dozens of different wines under the Siduri and Novy labels-Chardonnay and Syrah and Pinot Noir from all over California and Oregon .

  2. 此款西拉酒体呈深紫红色。

    Our Syrah has an intense red-purple color with .

  3. 在1例携带新型NF1突变的患者身上出现的类似西拉综合征的症状

    Silver-Russell syndrome - like features in a patient carrying a novel NF1 mutation

  4. 辽河裂谷东侧存在壳内高导层,整个断面上地幔高导层发育,在辽河断陷及朝阳、义县地区反映为上地幔隆起区,在西拉木伦河一带出现落差达50km左右的台阶;

    There exists a high & conductivhy layer in the east side of Liao River depression area .

  5. 但如果答案为是,那么下一个关键问题是由美国学者理查德•西拉(RichardSylla)在多年前提出的。

    But if it is , the next key question was raised some years ago by Richard Sylla , the US academic .

  6. 我把一些各不相同的葡萄酒堆放在一起,包括一些适合女性喝的(粉红莫斯卡托葡萄酒和灰皮诺葡萄酒)以及表面上看更“男性”的葡萄酒——解百纳(Cabernet)和西拉葡萄酒。

    I pulled together an appropriately disparate group of wines , including some that had been identified as fit for women ( Pink Moscato and Pinot Grigio ) and some that were ostensibly " male " - i.e. , Cabernets and Syrahs .

  7. 不作恶,则恶必不降临于你。《便西拉智训》(犹太-基督教)

    Do no evil , and evil will never befall you .

  8. 水能扑灭火焰,施舍则能补偿罪孽。《便西拉智训》(犹太-基督教)

    Water will quench a flame and almsgiving atone for sins .

  9. 勿与愚人议事,因他不能保守所议之事。《便西拉智训》(犹太-基督教)

    Consult not with a fool , for he cannot keep counsel .

  10. 该西拉是一款柔软易于饮用的干红葡萄酒。

    This Shiraz is a soft easy drinking dry red .

  11. 闻香:散发出独特的西拉子碎黑胡椒的辛香。

    Aroma : The aroma displays characteristic Shiraz'cracked black pepper'characters .

  12. 西拉带着卫兵在门口等候。

    Zeller with some guards are waiting for them .

  13. 记住我说过的,我提到过《西拉书》,以及其它提及穷人的智慧文学。

    I mentioned Sirach and these other wisdom literature that mentioned the poor .

  14. 我要你搬到西拉古莎附近的别墅。

    I want you to move to a villa near siracusa * Right now .

  15. 亚摩利人的境界,是从亚克拉滨坡,从西拉而上。

    The boundary of the Amorites was from Scorpion Pass to Sela and beyond .

  16. 西拉木伦河断裂带为规模巨大、具重要作用的区域性大断裂带。

    Xar Moron river fault zone is a large-scale and significant regional fault zone .

  17. 罗讷河谷的典型葡萄:歌海娜,西拉和佳丽酿。

    Typical grapes of the Rh ô ne Valley : Grenache , Syrah and Carignan .

  18. 酒液呈深红色,带有浓郁典型的赤霞珠香气,并伴有西拉子的芬芳。

    Crimson red , intense berry Cabernet aromas with some prune and spicy Shiraz overtones .

  19. 这次保罗和西拉想向左,到亚西亚一行,圣灵禁止他们。

    When they would turn to the left , to Asia , He stayed them .

  20. 巴西发展工业和外贸部副部长阿雷桑德罗·泰克西拉专门强调了这一点。

    Brazilian Deputy Minister for Development Industry and Foreign Trade Alessandro Teixeira emphasized that point .

  21. 内蒙古西拉木伦断裂带韧性变形特征

    Features of ductile deformation of the Xar Moron fault zone north of chifeng , inner Mongolia

  22. 同时多拉海盗为了拉普达的财宝也在追寻西拉。

    At the same time the Dola pirates are also seeking Sheeta for the treasure of Laputa .

  23. 我们所生产出的西拉颜色深,有柔和的单宁酸,每一口都会令人回味无穷。

    We produce Silas color depth , a soft tannins , and each will be a memorable .

  24. 麦克斯:跟你一样,西拉先生,我也是个藏而不露的天才。

    C : Like you Herr Zeller , I too , am a man of hidden talents .

  25. 在放入美国橡木桶成熟之前,完美的赤霞珠被选择性的于丰厚的西拉混合在一起。

    Impeccably structured Cabernet Sauvignon is selectively blended with opulent Shiraz before undergoing maturation in American oak hogsheads .

  26. 味道浓郁的西拉,拥有咖啡豆和椰子,很像美国橡木桶的味道。

    The spicy Shiraz fruit flavours are superbly integrated with coffee bean and coconut like American oak characters .

  27. 初论古文化类型演替与传承模式的区域分异&以西拉沐沦河流域和汶泗流域为例

    Evolution of ancient culture types and regional differentiation of their propagation and succession models : a preliminary study

  28. 我们就差了犹大和西拉,他们也要亲口诉说这些事。

    We have sent therefore Judas and Silas , who shall also tell you the same things by mouth .

  29. 圣雅格神迹西拉是我们的种植者和他们的葡萄藤勇敢和活力的产物。

    St Hallett Faith Shiraz is a celebration of the courage and vitality of our growers and their vines .

  30. 所拣选的,就是称呼巴撒巴的犹大,和西拉,这两个人在弟兄中是作首领的。

    They chose Judas ( called Barsabbas ) and Silas , two men who were leaders among the brothers .