
  • 网络apis mellifera;Western honey bee;western bee
  1. 西方蜜蜂亚种间MDH同工酶的研究

    Studies on MDH Isozyme among Subspecies of Apis Mellifera

  2. 西方蜜蜂毒蕈碱型乙酰胆碱受体基因的生物信息学分析

    A bioinformatics analysis on the Apis mellifera muscarinic acetylcholine receptor gene

  3. 西方蜜蜂六个亚种苹果酸脱氢酶Ⅱ基因的遗传差异

    Genetic variability of MDH ⅱ gene in six subspecies of Apis mellifera

  4. 论西方蜜蜂在中国野生的可能性

    Discuss the possibility on wild Apis mellifera in China

  5. 西方蜜蜂有23个亚种;

    There exist 23 subspecies of Apis mellifera .

  6. 西方蜜蜂工蜂蛹期头部发育差异蛋白质组分析

    Comparative Analysis of the Proteome of the Head of Apis Mellifera during the period of Pupae

  7. 西方蜜蜂四个亚种酯酶同工酶型和苹果酸脱氢酶Ⅱ同工酶基因型的遗传差异

    Genetic differences in patterns of EST isozymes and genotypes of mdh ⅱ isozymes in four subspecies of Apis mellifera

  8. 这意味着这个翅脉作为区分东方蜜蜂和西方蜜蜂的翅脉特征将面临挑战。

    This means that it provokes a challenge to the traditional method of honeybee taxonomy based on the vein morphological feature .

  9. 中国是野生东方蜜蜂、大蜜蜂、小蜜蜂等蜂种的故乡,但未发现过野生的西方蜜蜂。

    China is the native place of eastern bee , giant bee , little bee etc. But Apis mellifera haven 't been found .

  10. 通过试验表明:传统木桶饲养的长白山中蜂,越冬前改为活框饲养,把西方蜜蜂用白砂糖喂出的封盖蜜脾作为越冬饲料,越冬成活率可达到83.3%~93.3%。

    By this test , we use covered honey comb which made by Apis mellifera using sugar , raise Chinese bee from wooden tub to hive , wintering survial rate is 83.3 % - 93.3 % .

  11. 在蜂箱里,蜂胶由其他蜜蜂剥下,它们可能会花上好几个小时把蜂胶粘到蜂箱结构有裂隙的地方。西方蜜蜂不同蜂种及其正反交组合采胶力研究

    Back in the hive it is removed by other bees , who may spend hours pasting it over cracks in the hive structure . Research on the production of propolis of different races of Apis mellifera and their crossbreeds

  12. 针对西方蜜蜂病虫害频繁发生的严峻形势,我们通过典型调查和引进高效低毒药物进行有目的地防治试验,共防治蜜蜂1021群,治愈951群,有效率93.1%,取得了比较满意的效果。

    For the grim situation of diseases and insect pests in western honeybee , we has adopted typical survey and introduced effective and low-poison drugs to testing , prevented a tetal or 1021 groups , cured 951 groups , effective rate was 93 % , obtained the satisfied result .