
  1. 西南林区作为我国第二大林区,依托丰富的森林资源优势,拥有巨大的发展潜力。

    As the second large forest area in China , the southwest forestry area has abundant forest re-sources and big development potential .

  2. 川西亚高山是我国第二大林区&西南林区的主体部分,是天然林保护工程的重点实施区,也是长江流域生态屏障的关键区。

    Subalpine in western Sichuan is the main part of southwestern forest zone , which is the secondary in China . Meanwhile , it is also the important Implementation Area of the Natural Forest Protection Project and Key area of " Ecological barrier " in the Yangtze River .

  3. 四川是一个森林资源大省,而四川的森林资源大部分集中于川西地区,是我国西南的主要林区。

    Sichuan is a big province which abound in natural resources . The forest resources mostly distributed in the west part of the province . It is also the main forest region in the south-west of China .