
  1. 网上也有楼台亭榭。

    There is dotted with towers , terraces and pavilions on internet .

  2. 有公园及花园,大规模的华丽皇家建筑体;包括浴场及附属建筑、图书馆、带雕刻的花园、剧场、室外餐厅、亭榭和住宅。

    A sumptuous imperial complex with parks and gardens on a grand scale , it included baths , libraries , sculpture gardens , theaters , alfresco dining areas , pavilions , and private suites .

  3. 中国传统文人画的文化内涵是中国古典园林艺术思想的精神内核,这种人文精神不仅透射在中国古典园林的一亭一榭,也必将在中国现代园林发展中重放光芒。

    The cultural connotation of literati painting was also the spiritual core of the artistic ideology of Chinese classical garden . Such humanity spirit not only was reflected by each pavilion but also would be more prosperous in the development of the modem gardening .