
  1. 利用西北五省1950~2000年降水、温度和农作物旱灾面积资料,用降水的Z指标法,农作物受旱成灾率确定了西北干旱指标和旱灾等级,分析了西北旱灾特征及气候变化趋势。

    Based on the statistical data of precipitation , temperature and agricultural drought area of Northwestern China from 1950 to 2000 , the drought index ranks are defined by Z standard and dry damage rate , the agricultural characteristics and climatic trend are analysed .

  2. 区域分工、产业聚集与西北五省经济发展

    Regional Diversion , Agglomeration and Development of the North-west Five Provinces

  3. 我国西北五省旱灾历史变化规律分析

    Analysis on history change laws of drought disaster in northwestern China

  4. 基于灰色关联分析的西北五省经济实力评价

    The Evaluation of the Five North-West Provinces ' Economic Strength Based on Gray Correlation Analysis

  5. 分析了西北五省(区)煤炭资源与水资源分布特征。

    The distribution features of coal and water resources in northwestern five provinces are analyzed .

  6. 西北五省(区)的煤炭资源水资源及生态环境

    Statue of coal , water resources and ecologic environment in five provinces , northwestern China

  7. 西北五省学生体质下降相关问题的调查研究

    Survey into Relevant Problems about the Decline in Physical Quality of Students in Five Northwest Provinces

  8. 负责西北五省及湖北安徽的交换与数据项目的安装与开通管理。

    Being in charge of the projects implementation in Anhui , Hubei province and Northwest of China .

  9. 对我院承担西北五省(区)退役运动员学历教育和业务培洲的可行性论证

    Feasibility About Education of Record of Formal Schooling and Occupation Training Undertaken by Our Institute to Retired Sportsmen

  10. 基于突变级数法的旅游产业竞争力评价研究&以西北五省为例

    Research on Tourism Industry Competitive Power Evaluation Based on CPM-Take the Five Provinces in Northwestern China as an Example

  11. 西北五省(区)矿产资源开发与水资源保护对策

    Strategy on the development of mineral resources and the protection of water resource in the northwest area of China

  12. 珠子肝泰胶囊西北五省市场营销策略研究

    Study on Strategy of Marketing in the Five Provinces in the Northwest of China for " Capsule of Zhuzigantai "

  13. 同时采用熵值法,结合2004年西北五省相关评价指标值对该指标体系进行综合评价。

    Then the paper adopted information entropy method to evaluate the index system , combining with related data in 2004 .

  14. 我公司是西北五省一家可以同时生产中空、夹层、钢化、防弹的安全,节能特种玻璃制造商。

    Our company is a five northwestern provinces can produce hollow , laminated steel , bullet-proof security , energy-saving special glass manufacturers .

  15. 近几年,西北五省的融资性票据市场虽然有所发展,但是还处于起步阶段。

    In recent years , financing of commercial paper market in five provinces of the north-west has developed , but also in its infancy .

  16. 丝绸之路旅游资源得天独厚,旅游也逐渐成为丝绸之路西北五省的重点特色经济。

    The tourism resources on Silk Road are rare and tourism has become a key feature of the five northwestern provinces ' economy in Silk Road .

  17. 在西北五省(陕西、新疆、青海、宁夏、甘肃)中,甘肃省的财政农业支出也是低的。

    Among the northwest five provinces ( Shanxi , Xinjiang , Qinghai , Ningxia , Gansu ), the annual financial expenditure on agriculture of Gansu Province is also low .

  18. 总的来说,在西北五省经济增长质量的提升问题上,环境的改善、制度上的引导与人才的引进对此起到很关键的作用。

    Overall , economic growth in the western five provinces to enhance the quality issues , environmental improvement , institutional guidance and personnel played a key role in the introduction .

  19. 要以经济带的建设为切入点,加强西北五省、区的联合协作,促进区域经济的协调发展。

    To take construction of the economic belt as a point cutting in , combination and cooperation among five provinces and municipalities are reinforced , region economy is promoted to develop harmoniously .

  20. 首先,对西北五省生态脆弱区进行界定,分析其特点及当前形势下我国西北生态脆弱区所面临的主要困境。

    First of all , for defining the ecological fragile district northwest five provinces , analyzed its characteristics and the current situation , main difficulties facing the ecological fragile areas of northwest China .

  21. 概述了我国西北五省(自治区)现有开展人工影响天气的规模、作业特点、人工增雨减灾效果、催化方法和飞机播撒技术。

    A general situation of artificial weather modification developed in five provinces ( autonomous region ) of Northwest China is given in this paper , including the scale and feature of operations , the catalytic technique and the results of disaster reduction .

  22. 另外我国西北五省的农村产业结构还存在产业构成比重失衡、乡村劳动力就业结构以及农村家庭收入来源比例不协调等问题。

    In addition , there are also some problems with the rural industrial structure in the northwest area , such as the imbalance in industrial composition , the employment structure of the labor force and the skewed proportion of family income origin .

  23. 尽管其东西部地区差距明显,但在国家西部大开发战略的积极引导下,作为西北五省的龙头大省和西部大开发的重中之重,陕西省的对外贸易亦取得了较大的成就。

    Although there lies regional gap between the east and the west , Shaanxi Province , as the leading province among the northwestern region and the main area of The Grand Western Development Program , has made much progress in the foreign trade .

  24. 本文还通过对我国西北五省相关数据及现状的分析,认为西北地区乡村旅游发展存在一定的资源优势,但在资金、观念以及乡村旅游的经营方面还存在一定的问题。

    Based on the analysis of the data and the actual situation in northwest China , we consider that the rural tourism in that area has resource advantages , but it also has some problems in capital , conception and the management of rural tourism .

  25. 从历史传承,文化积淀这些角度来确立西北地区五省的区域划分。

    From the angle of historical heritage , culture to establish regional division in northwest five provinces .

  26. 西北和西南五省(区)部分地区黄牛牦牛牛病毒性腹泻/粘膜病血清学监测

    Serologic Monitoring of Bovine Viral Diarrhea / Mucosal Disease in Yellow Cattle and Yaks in

  27. 然后运用主成分分析方法对西北经济区中五省、自治区金融集聚程度做了实证性的研究和探讨。

    Principal component analysis and the Northwest Economic Zone in the five provinces , autonomous regions and the degree of financial concentration make empirical research and discussion .

  28. 第二部分集中论述西北早期油画创作情况,分省区对西北五省早期油画家的具体作品进行分析,具体内容包括其艺术特征和蕴含的美学思想,以及对未来西北油画的影响。

    The second part provides analysis about specific paintings in different five provinces , including their respective art style , the intrinsic aesthetic ideas and the influence upon future development .