
  • 网络SERVICE;Service item;Service Projects
  1. 急诊ICU一级护理服务项目单项成本研究

    Monomial cost accounting and analysis for emergency ICU Grade One Nursing Service items

  2. 将奥林匹克标志用于服务项目中;

    To use the Olympic Symbols in the service items ;

  3. 其他盈利较少的服务项目预定今年稍晚将大量削减。

    Other less profitable services are to be axed later this year .

  4. 政府另拨2500万英镑用于扩展该服务项目。

    The government provided an additional £ 25 million to expand the service .

  5. 现在,有些服务项目必须进行招标。

    Some services are now compulsorily put out to tender .

  6. 服务项目还包括包装和递送礼物。

    The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts

  7. 服务项目包括避孕建议和健康检查,并且免费提供。

    The service covers contraceptive advice and health checks , and is available free .

  8. 资金紧张的市政会不得不削减主要社区服务项目经费,我们眼看就要陷入危机。

    We are heading for a crisis , with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services .

  9. 企业、事业单位和个体工商业者,对其提供的服务项目,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请服务商标注册。

    Any enterprise , institution , or individual producer or trader , intending to acquire the exclusive right to use a service mark for the services provided by it or him , shall file an application for the registration of the service mark with the Trademark Office .

  10. 我们希望在您开发自已的Web服务项目时为您提供一些有用信息。

    We hope you find this useful as you develop your Web services projects .

  11. 安装的Web服务项目状态校检

    Installed Web service project status check

  12. 您可能需要确认Web服务项目的JavaEE部署描述器。

    You might need to verify the Java EE deployment descriptors for the web services project .

  13. 导入HATSWeb服务项目

    Import the HATS web service project

  14. 运营商实施IP城域网维保服务项目的目的是为了消除或减少各类风险事件对网络运行的影响,以保障网络上各类用户的业务质量。

    The target of implementing IP MAN Maintenance service project for Telecom operators is to eliminate or reduce the impact on network operations by all types of risk events .

  15. 一些大型制造企业,如德国的西门子公司(Siemens)等,越来越多地开始提供设备维护等服务项目,而一些规模较小的企业也正在采取这一做法。

    Large manufacturers such as Germany 's Siemens increasingly provide service offerings such as equipment maintenance , but the practice is also being adopted by smaller concerns .

  16. 进一步提示CT等大型医用设备需要卫生专业技术人才、医疗服务项目及支付能力多种因素相辅相成才有望达到理想应用状态,从而促使城乡卫生资源发挥出最大效益。

    The evidence further proves that ideal condition which contributes to the best effect of medical resource , should combines the following factors of proper use of large-scale medical equipment such as CT , professional medical stall , medical service project and expenditure capability .

  17. 服务项目包括连云港网站建设、网页设计、广告设计、平面设计、网站SEO优化、网站推广、域名注册、虚拟主机等。

    Services include Lianyungang , construction sites , web design , advertising design , graphic design , website SEO optimization , website promotion , domain name registration , web hosting .

  18. 我们认为,如同Cisco在路由器方面所做的,他们开发了为,路由特别制作的设备,,TCP/IP,routing,我们的主要服务项目也是类似,因为存储可能会更有意义。

    And we thought that just like Cisco did for the router they built the box with special purpose designed for TCP / IP we felt doing that same focused appliance , for storage would make a lot of sense .

  19. DionHinchcliffe对于我们如何运行面向服务项目来最大化IT资产的价值。

    Dion Hinchcliffe provides a detailed look at how we might run service orientated initiatives to maximize value of IT assets .

  20. OAI(theOpenArchivesInitiative)是基于元数据采集的网络数据库系统互操作协议,因其采用了低进入障碍的技术方案而为很多网络数据库和信息增值服务项目采用。

    The Open Archives Initiative ( OAI ) is a protocol to promote the interoperability of networked databases , it works through metadata harvesting and is a low-barrier framework . These characteristics make it relatively easy to implement and very popular on today 's Internet .

  21. 根据KHID的报告,整容手术增长率在所有医疗服务项目中遥遥领先。

    According to the KHID 's report , cosmetic surgery topped all other medical services in terms of growth rate .

  22. 而kyte(kyte.tv)更进一步,它的服务项目之一是LifeStream,该公司将之形容为“通过手机对你的生活进行的实时播放”。

    Is closer , offering among its services something called LifeStream , which it describes as'a real-time broadcast of your life through your mobile phone . '

  23. 在实际处理环境中,流程逻辑(GlobalAirlineBPApp)、ESB逻辑(GlobalAirlineESBApp)和每个服务项目很可能正在独立服务器上运行。

    ( In an actual processing environment , the process logic ( GlobalAirlineBPApp ), ESB logic ( GlobalAirlineESBApp ), and each service project would most likely be running on separate servers . )

  24. 布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家网站专门为单身旅行者提供旅游指南和当地一流夜总会的VIP优惠服务项目。即使你无缘与夜总会里香艳的名模们坠入爱河,你还是很多机会找到你梦中的那位情人,如你身边翩翩起舞的舞伴。

    ToursGoneWild.com , a guide for singles on the move , offers packages with VIP perks to the best A-list clubs , but even if you don 't luck out with one of the stunning models that frequent them , there 's still plenty of opportunity to meet a fellow single .

  25. 脑卒中患者家庭护理服务项目需求的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Home Care Services Needs in Stroke Patients

  26. 只能把航空餐从服务项目中去掉。

    We have removed the in-flight meal from our service package .

  27. 网络环境下传统服务项目的开展与新型服务

    Development and New-type Service of Traditional Service Manners under Network Environment

  28. 参与式方法在改善生育卫生服务项目中的应用

    Participatory Approaches Applied to project of Improving in Rural China

  29. 那些旅馆正在千方百计设法增加服务项目。

    Those hotels are worrying out ways to increase services .

  30. 目的调查产褥期妇女对相关卫生服务项目的需求,为卫生服务部门对产褥期妇女提供针对性的服务项目提供理论依据。

    Objective To investigate the needs for health services among puerperal women .