
fú xiàn yì
  • Active service;active duty commitment
服现役[fú xiàn yì]
  1. �公民被征集服现役的,在办理注销户口手续时,交回居民身份证;

    Citizens who are enlisted in active service shall hand in their resident identity cards when going through the formalities to cancel their resident registration ;

  2. 他被召回英国皇家海军服现役。

    He was recalled to active duty in the Royal navy .

  3. 他去服现役了,以了结义务。

    He 's out on active service , wiping something off a slate .

  4. 他必须要回去服现役。

    He has to go back into active duty .

  5. 志愿兵实行分期服现役制度。

    A system of active service for different terms shall be instituted for volunteers .

  6. 汤姆正在国外服现役。

    Tom is now on active duty abroad .

  7. 他们正服现役。

    They are on active duty .

  8. 征召的预备役军官和适合服现役的非军事部门的干部。

    Reserve officers called into active service and cadres of non-military departments fit for active service .

  9. 就读这些军事学校的美国人必须服现役至少五年。

    Americans who attend these four-year colleges must serve at least five years of active duty .

  10. 当年未被征集的,在二十二岁以前,仍可以被征集服现役。

    Those who are not enlisted during the year shall remain eligible for active service until they are22 .

  11. 现在,想参军的德国人可要三思而后行了,因为德军出台了一项新规定,在服现役期间士兵不得有任何性行为。

    Germans mulling joining the army may think twice now thanks to a new regulation banning soldiers from having sex while in active service .

  12. 根据军队需要,可以按照前未规定征集女性公民服现役。

    To meet the needs of the armed forces , female citizens may be enlisted for active service according to the provision of the preceding paragraph .

  13. 第十八条义务兵服现役的期限:陆军三年;海军、空军四年。

    Article 18 . The term of service for conscripts shall be three years in the army and four years in the navy and the air force .

  14. 义务兵服现役期满,根据军队的需要和本人自愿,可以超期服现役。

    Upon the expiration of his active service , a conscript may , according to the need of the armed forces and on a voluntary basis , extend his service .

  15. 德军是于2001年初才允许女性服现役的,从那以后军方曾提出过一系列针对如何与女性同事相处的规定,现在这些规定变成了要严格执行的纪律。

    The army originally laid out a series of proposals on how to behave with female colleagues when women were first allowed into active army service at the beginning of2001 .

  16. 志愿兵服现役的期限,从改为志愿兵之日算起,至少三年,一般不超过三十年,年龄不超过五十五岁。

    The term of active service for a volunteer shall , counting from the day when he changes to a volunteer , be no less than three years but generally not more than thirty years , up to the age of55 .

  17. 根据军队需要和自愿的原则,可以征集当年十二月三十一日以前未满十八岁的男女公民服现役。

    To meet the needs of the armed forces and on the principle of voluntary participation , male and female citizens who have not yet reached 18 years of age by December 31 of a certain year may be enlisted for active service .

  18. 第九条公民被征集服现役的,在办理注销户口手续时,交回居民身份证;退出现役后,发还居民身份证或者再申请领取居民身份证。

    Article 9 . Citizens who are enlisted in active service shall hand in their resident identity cards when going through the formalities to cancel their resident registration ; when they retire from active service , they shall have their resident identity cards back or apply for new ones .

  19. 她已服了十年现役。

    She has been on active service for ten years .