
fú wù cānɡ
  • service module
  1. 服务舱的两个大气瓶中装有液态氧。

    Two large tanks in the service module held liquid oxygen .

  2. 公用服务舱是一体化飞行器公用服务系统的结构主体。

    Public service module is the main structure of the integrated aircraft public service system .

  3. 设备从服务舱侧壁的一个大洞中飘出,悬挂在空中。

    Equipment was hanging from a huge hole in the side of the module .

  4. 卫星服务舱湿度控制系统性能分析及改进研究

    Analysis of characteristics and an improvement of the humidity control system for the satellite service module

  5. 星辰服务舱有陨石防护罩,以及S波段通讯系统的天线。

    There are debris shields for the Zvezda service module , and antennas for the S-Band communication system .

  6. 为进一步提高卫星的性能,将蜂窝夹层结构用于“风云三号”(FY3)卫星推进舱和服务舱的承力筒。

    The honeycomb sandwich cylinder is applied in the thrust and service cabin to improve the performance of FY-3 satellite in this paper .

  7. 然后对目前公用服务舱结构设计和结构优化相关问题的研究现状进行了归纳和总结。

    Then , the current public service module structure design and structural optimization related issues of the status quo were summarized and summed up .

  8. 给出了公用服务舱的模块化设计,提出适用于承力筒设计的基本结构单元和单元组合方式。

    The modular design for public service module is discussed , put forward basic structure of units and unit composition for the tube design .

  9. 它被设计为在低地球轨道进行测试,以便科学家可以看到分离,聚集各种技术,并与指挥和服务舱对接。

    It was designed to be tested in low Earth orbit so scientists could see various techniques for separation , rendezvous , and dock with the command and service module .

  10. 须设置设施,将上甲板的溢油与起居舱及服务舱隔离,并须顾及船尾货物处理设施(如有设置的话)。

    Means shall be provided to isolate oil spills on the upper deck from accommodation and service spaces and shall take into account stern cargo handling facilities where these are provided .

  11. 数值算例表明了所提出方法的可行性和有效性。最后,将模块组合优化方法应用于某公用服务舱的结构优化设计。

    The numerical results show that the continuous approach has good feasibility and validity . Finally , the module combinatorial optimization method is used in a public service module structural optimization .

  12. 下面是可以作为住处、商店、酒吧和酒店的主卧舱和服务舱的上甲板,它被一个可以缩回的天蓬覆盖。

    Just below , the top deck of the main accommodation and service spaces - which could house shops , bars and restaurants - would be covered by a retractable canopy .

  13. 本文围绕推进系统(储箱)和设备进行一体化设计。提出公用服务舱结构模块化设计,以及在一体化、模块化设计基础上的结构优化方案。

    This paper integrated designed on the propulsion system ( tank ) and equipments , then made series , modular design of public service module structure , and structural optimization on this basis .

  14. 本文所提出的一体化公用服务舱结构优化设计方案,具备良好的工程应用价值。首先简要介绍了本文的工程实际应用背景,阐明了本文研究的出发点和意义。

    The proposed integrated public service module structural optimization , have a good application value . First , the background of this dissertation is introduced , elaborated the starting point and significance on this paper .

  15. 正由于坐拥如此大的市场,法航在周一北京到巴黎的航线上已经开始使用加长型波音777,在这种机型上,你可以首次看到头等舱的乘客使用新设计的头等舱配套设施,官方名称为“法式服务舱”。

    For such a large market , Air France has been using the new long-haul Boeing 777 aircraft on its Beijing-Paris route since Monday which also sees passengers using new designer suites in the carrier 's first class cabin , named La Premiere , for the first time .