
  1. 一种新型气举井双笔记录仪

    A new type double pen record installation for the gas lift well

  2. 无墨水双笔长图记录仪

    Inkless two-pen strip chart recorder

  3. 双笔电位计式连续记录器

    Two-pen potentiometer continuous recorder

  4. 采用体视显微镜微观动态观察单颗粒和双颗粒金刚石笔切削混凝土的切削过程,同时结合切削过程力的特性,研究切削过程中混凝土材料的去除机理和了解金刚石在锯切中的破碎过程。

    Stereomicroscope was adopted in observation the microcosmic dynamic process of single grain and double grains diamond pens sawing concrete . Removing mechanism of concrete material and crush processing of diamond were achieved during observation by combining characteristic of sawing force .

  5. 显示表面上基于双摄像机的双笔同时定位

    Simultaneous Locating Two Pens On The Display Surface Based On Two Cameras

  6. 提出了多冗余归约机制,双边缘弹性跟踪笔段抽取算法,多冗余有引导部件抽取算法。

    Besides , realize also redundant reduction scheme , stroke segment drawing algorithm with elastic tracing of contour lines , and redundant guided component drawing algorithm .

  7. 我很讨厌看到他这副样子,以至于我常常会试图从他紧闭的双鄂中把笔夺下来这种争斗通常不会以笑容收场。

    I find the sight of him like this so annoying , that I quite often try to wrest it out from his tightly locked jaws a tussle that ends with no one smiling .