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  • 网络Sun Jian;Oscar Sun
  1. 记者获悉,孙坚以“微笑力&如家的创业与服务”为演讲主题,同复旦学子们分享其创业的故事。

    Sun Jian put forth the program on a start-up story sharing speech in Fudan University .

  2. 孙权字仲谋,三国吴国的创建者,其父孙坚是效忠袁绍的大将,和刘表作战时被杀,其兵力被袁绍接管。

    His father Sun Jian , a general in the service of Yuan Shu , was killed in campaign a-gainst Liu Biao and his forces were largely taken over by Yuan Shu .

  3. 几年后,约在194年,孙坚19岁的儿子孙策跟随袁绍作战,袁绍将孙坚的一些旧部分给孙策用来镇守长江以南。

    But a few years later , about 194 , his son Sun Ce , then aged nineteen , took service with Yuan Shu . He was given command of some of the soldiers who had followed his father , and was sent to be in charge of the defence in south of the Yangtze River .