首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 孙刘联盟被彻底破坏,北方的局势得以缓和。孙权占据了长江以东的地区。

    Sun-Liu ally was totally destroyed , Cao Cao 's position in the Han valley was restored , and Sun Quan held all the territory east of the Yangzi gorges .

  2. 诸葛亮在《隆中对策》中确定了联吴抗曹、兴复汉室的方针,取得了赤壁之战的胜利,显示了孙刘联盟的生命力。

    Zhuge Liang defined the policy of combining Wu against Cao , reviving the Han Dynasty in " Long Zhong Countermove " . He won the victory of Chibi Battle , and showed great vitality of Sun Liu Alliance .