
  1. 当孙叔敖还是宰相时,他的表现是那么的称职而讨好。所以,后来。

    Shu'ao was minister ; he devoted himself into his work to be a competent minister . Therefore , King of .

  2. 孙叔敖是楚国的宰相,他知道优孟是一个聪明而有能力的人,并对他十分敬重爱护。

    Sun Suao , the prime minister Chu , treated You Meng with respect and kingness , considering him a wise , able man .

  3. 听了这话,国王感到很惭愧,他立刻派官员去寻找孙叔敖的儿子,给了他很多钱和大片的领地。

    The king , feeling very much ashamed , at once sent officials to search for Sun 's son , and gave him much money and a great deal of land .

  4. 楚庄王时,孙叔敖为宰相,整饬内政,兴修水利,国势更加强盛。

    During the reign of King Zhuang of Chu , Sun Shuao was designated as prime minister . With his help , the internal affairs were regulated , irrigation system was constructed , and the state became powerful and prosperous .