
  • 网络autocratic imperial power
  1. 宣帝时坚持以“霸王道杂之”的儒法结合思想治国,取得了辉煌成就。

    Emperor Han-xuan continued to use the same principle which is an integration of Confucianism and law , and obtained brilliant achievement .

  2. 汉初到汉代中期政治结构的变迁,为汉代中期霸王道杂之的统治思想的调整提供了可能。

    Changes of the political structure during the early and middle Han Dynasty made it possible for " the doctrine of law and Confucianism " , the dominant thought in government , to adjust itself .

  3. 汉制,郡国守相不用本郡国人,西汉外籍蜀官在巴蜀地区的施政带有霸王道杂之的色彩,使得地方基层社会逐渐被整合到国家秩序之中,在一定程度上避免陷入地方化。

    According to the system , local officials are alien rather than native , and the official in Ba-Shu are both legalists and Confucians , which in certain degree avoid localization and cause the local society to be integrated into the order of whole state .