
bà zhǔ
  • overlord;a powerful chief of the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period;powerful chief of the feudal princes of the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history
霸主 [bà zhǔ]
  • (1) [powerful chief of the feudal princes of the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history]∶中国春秋时代势力最大并取得盟主地位的诸侯

  • (2) [overlord]

  • (3) 权力、级别或势力方面的至高无上

  • 拿破仑曾是欧洲霸主

  • (4) 在某一地区或领域称霸的人或集团

  • 海上霸主

霸主[bà zhǔ]
  1. 它结束了杜克企业教育学院(DukeCorporateEducation)长达12年的霸主地位。

    It puts an end to 12 years of domination by Duke Corporate Education .

  2. 在智能手机市场上,ARM一直是一统江山的霸主。

    Arm Holdings ( armh ) rules the smartphone market .

  3. IBM野心勃勃它正要扫去自己成为行业霸主的路上最后的阻碍

    IBM wants it all and is aiming its guns on its last obstacle to industry control -

  4. 旧金山巨人队(SanFranciscoGiant)3年内两夺世界职业棒球大赛(WorldSeries)冠军,一时之间,棒球界惊呼新的霸主或已诞生。

    Talk of a dynasty swept the baseball world recently when the San Francisco Giants won their second World Series in three years .

  5. 三星近年来发展迅猛,已然成为名副其实的Android手机霸主,鲁宾针对这一热点问题也给予了解答。

    Rubin also answered questions about Samsung 's growing power as the dominant manufacturer of Android-powered phones .

  6. 戴尔电脑(DellComputers)是全球PC业的霸主,2002财年销售收入达到了310亿美元。

    Dell Computers is the industry leader in PC world . Its revenue in Financial year 2002 reached $ 31 billion .

  7. 2013年,Facebook仍将是社交媒体业的霸主,Twitter将会继续繁荣,Google+也会积累大量用户。

    Facebook will continue to reign supreme in 2013 , twitter will thrive and Google + will accrue critical mass .

  8. 谷歌(Google)周二推出了自己的网络浏览器,堪称其对微软(Microsoft)电脑软件霸主地位发起的迄今最直接的挑战。

    Google is to release its own internet browser in what amounts to its most direct attack yet on Microsoft 's dominance of PC software .

  9. 微处理器行业两大巨头Intel和AMD的霸主地位要调换位置吗?

    Will the two magnates in the microprocessors , Intel and AMD , exchange their hegemony positions ?

  10. NBC环球(NBCUniversal)正设法在迅速成长的在线视频分销市场中,挑战雅虎(Yahoo)和谷歌(Google)的霸主地位。

    NBC Universal is trying to challenge Yahoo and Google for supremacy in the burgeoning market to distribute online video .

  11. 直到不久前,李宁(lining)还是国内品牌中的霸主它是一家由奥运会体操金牌得主李宁创建的同名连锁企业。

    Domestic brands have been dominated until recently by Li Ning , the eponymous chain founded by the gold medal-winning Olympic gymnast .

  12. 北京方面也早就表示反对美国及美元在全球金融机构的霸主地位,最引人瞩目的就是国际货币基金组织(IMF)以及世界银行(worldbank)。

    Beijing has also long expressed opposition to the dominance of the US and the dollar in the global financial institutions , most notably the International Monetary Fund and World Bank .

  13. 这种新颖的战略开创了DVD订阅新市场。而以这个简单而强大的创意,Netflix击溃了DVD租赁市场霸主百视达公司(BlockbusterVideo)。

    This original strategy created a new market for DVD subscriptions . This simple and powerful idea crushed Blockbuster Video .

  14. Flash是二维时代互联网的霸主,它拥有统一的标准,强大的交互功能,丰富的多媒体表现形式。

    With its unified standard , powerful interactive feature , and multi-media forms , Flash plays a dominant role on the Internet in the era of two-dimensional .

  15. Pc操作系统方面他是早期的领导者,它致力于鼓励独立的软件开发者为他们的系统写应用软件,这奠定了微软的霸主地位。

    Its early lead in PC operating systems , and its efforts to encourage independent software developers to write applications for Windows , paved the way for Microsoft 's dominance .

  16. 当时黑莓(Blackberry)手机也是一方霸主,而且仍在继续增长。

    BlackBerry ( bbry ) was a really big thing , and it was still growing at the time .

  17. 半导体技术与显示技术的结合,奇迹般地确立了LCD在信息显示技术领域的霸主地位。

    The combination of semiconductor technology and display technology , miraculously established the ascendance of LCD display technology in the field of information display technology .

  18. 液晶电视的优势使它很可能在本世纪的头十年内推翻CRT在电视市场的霸主地位。

    The advance of LC-TV will likely break the dominance of CRTs at the end of the first decade of this century .

  19. 值得注意的是,PC市场需求下降对微软和英特尔的收益造成了巨大的打击,因为这两家公司历来是PC软件和和处理器领域的霸主。

    Notably , the slowdown in demand for PCs took a substantial toll on the earnings of both Microsoft and Intel , long the leading respective makers of software and processors for desktops and laptops .

  20. 一位市场分析师半开玩笑半认真地说:一个屏蔽YouTube的国家,怎么可能成为金融霸主呢?

    How can a country that blocks YouTube ever be a financial powerhouse ? asks one market analyst , only half in jest .

  21. 万达电商于去年8月创建,估值为8.14亿美元,创建的目的是挑战阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的霸主地位。

    Wanda Ecommerce , set up with the goal of challenging the supremacy of Alibaba , was valued at $ 814m when it was created in August .

  22. 然而,曾经的手机巨头诺基亚(Nokia)、摩托罗拉(Motorola)和黑莓(BlackBerry)市场份额的暴跌证明,很难持续占据智能手机领域的霸主地位。

    Yet the freefall in market share of former powerhouses Nokia , Motorola and BlackBerry proves that sustained dominance in the smartphone sector is difficult to achieve .

  23. 据报道,欧迪办公(OfficeDepot)与马克斯办公用品公司(OfficeMax)正在商谈并购,希望联手挑战史泰博(Staples)在办公用品行业的霸主地位。

    Office Depot ( ODP ) reportedly is in talks to merge with Office Max ( OMX ) , in a consolidation play aimed at challenging staples ( SPLs ) for office supply supremacy .

  24. 福特目前的赢利中心在北美地区,像NewFusion和Escape这两款车都赢得了市场份额,而福特F150依然是销量霸主。

    Ford 's profit center right now is North America where vehicles such as the New Fusion and the Escape have gained market share and Ford 's F150 is still king of the hill .

  25. 但中国资金有望开启新的铁矿石开采地,如西非和俄罗斯,从而削弱淡水河谷、必和必拓以及力拓(riotinto)的霸主地位。

    But China financing stands to open new iron ore provinces like West Africa and Russia , potentially easing the dominance of vale , BHP and Rio Tinto .

  26. 捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)正试图通过旗舰轿车产品在中国获得增长动力,该公司正寻求在世界最大汽车市场挑战德国竞争对手的霸主地位。

    Jaguar Land Rover is attempting to gain traction in China with its flagship saloons as it seeks to break the stranglehold of its dominant German rivals in the world 's largest car market .

  27. 阿布格莱布(AbuGhraib)和关塔那摩(Guantánamo)两所监狱让美国将会永远充当仁慈霸主的想法化为泡影。

    Abu Ghraib and Guant á namo shattered the notion that America would always act as a benign hegemon .

  28. 但身处关键时刻的RIM对这个策略的运用比其他多数公司都走得更远。RIM实际上可以称为是智能手机的发明者,一度在这个市场上占据不可匹敌的霸主地位。

    But RIM has taken the strategy farther than most big players , at a crucial time for a company that practically invented the smartphone and once held unrivaled dominance over the market .

  29. 在施洛特掌舵期间,瑞士电信在国内移动市场保住霸主地位,借助服务捆绑防止价格侵蚀,尽管成本更低的竞争对手Orange和Sunrise对其发起新的挑战。

    Under Schloter 's tenure , Swisscom has remained dominant in the national mobile market in spite of renewed challenges from lower-cost competitors Orange and Sunrise , shifting to bundled services to prevent price erosion .

  30. 据Gartner统计,2013年第一季度,曾为手机霸主的诺基亚占有14.8%的市场份额,远落后于三星的23.6%。

    In the first quarter of 2013 , once-dominant Nokia held 14.8 % of the market , far behind Samsung 's 23.6 % , Gartner said .