
xiān hé
  • anything that is advocated earlier;the saying that the river is the source of the sea
先河 [xiān hé]
  • [anything that is advocated earlier] 古代以黄河为海的本源,因而帝王先祭河,后祭海,后来称倡导作用的事物为先河

  • 三王之祭川也,皆先河而后海。--《礼记.学记》

  • 宋世学问之盛, 安定、 泰山为之先河。-- 清. 黄宗羲《宋元学案》

先河[xiān hé]
  1. 英国《安妮法》开创了版权保护的先河,两大法系相继造法用法。

    United Kingdom " Ana empress law " has started the anything that is advocated earlier that the copyright protects , two fundamental laws have been to make law usage consecutively .

  2. 2004年,谷歌(Google)上市时,拉里•佩奇和谢尔盖•布林开创了这个先河。

    Larry Page and Sergey Brin started it when Google ( GOOG ) went public in 2004 .

  3. TD-SCDMA是中国第一个拥有自主知识产权的国际通信标准,开创了中国参与国际电信标准化的先河。

    It establishes a precedent about Chinese participating International Telecommunication Standardization .

  4. 在美国,福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)首开先河,在2011款Explorer汽车上安装了气囊安全带。

    In the U.S. , Ford Motor Co. was the first to offer this bag-in-belt technology on 2011 Explorers .

  5. 今年首推的3D仿真系统开创了该赛事仿真环境下两足机器人智能控制研究的先河。

    As an introductory line , RoboCup3D server opens up a kingdom of the study of intelligent control of soccer biped robot in simulation environment .

  6. 这也是另一个由iPhone开创的先河,整个业内只有iPhone13和iPhone13Pro能做到这一点。

    This is another iPhone first , as iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro are the only smartphones that can do this .

  7. 旅行背心(TheTravelVest,售价100美元)拥有22个口袋,包括一个iPad专用口袋,开行业之先河。

    The Travel Vest ( $ 100 ) has22 pockets , including one just for the iPad , an industry first .

  8. 谷歌(Google)去年在中国首开先河,推出了完全免费的合法音乐下载服务。该服务由谷歌的中国合作伙伴运营,运营资金来自广告。

    Google pioneered completely free legal music downloads in China last year with the launch of a service financed by advertising and run by a Chinese partner .

  9. 华纳兄弟唱片公司开了先河,他们建立页面宣传parishilton的新专辑。

    Warner Brothers Records , a music label , led the way , setting up a page to promote a new album by Paris Hilton .

  10. 美国环保协会曾经以有效的工作推动了废除DDT法令的颁布,从而开创了美国近代环保运动的先河;

    Environmental Defense Fund helped launch the modern environmental movement in the United States by winning a ban on the persistent pesticide DDT .

  11. Rhapsody开创了付费音乐订阅服务的先河,现在理所应当站在聚光灯下享受万众瞩目的礼遇。

    For all its work in pioneering paid music subscriptions , Rhapsody should be enjoying a moment in the digital limelight right now .

  12. 来自日本的著名设计师山本理显为建外SOHO的空间布局和建筑风格开辟了独一无二的先河。

    Well-known designer from Japan Riken Yamamoto designes the SOHO , the space layout and architectural style opens up a unique first of its kind .

  13. 在大科学时代,对“科学知识”的社会学考察即SSK的理论工作是必要的。从某种意义上说,是波兰尼凭借其默会理论开创了这一先河。

    In the times of big science , it was necessary for SSK to study science knowledge with sociological research methods .

  14. 大约半个世纪以前Gardner和Lambert率先从社会心理学的角度来探讨动机,从而开创了态度与动机研究的先河。

    The study of attitudes and motivation dates back to about half a century ago when Gardner and Lambert first explored motivation from a social-psychological perspective .

  15. 松下(Panasonic)宣布将向派往中国的员工发放津贴,以补偿严重污染对他们的危害,成为开此先河的第一家国际公司。

    Panasonic is the first international company to announce it will pay employees it sends to China a premium to compensate for dangerous levels of pollution .

  16. 2012年,JCrew聘请《Tank》杂志总裁兼时尚总监卡洛琳•伊莎(CarolineIssa)、设计师朱丽娅•萨尔-加莫娃(JuliaSarr-Jamois)以及法国记者穆扎(VirginieMouzat)出任广告片主角,算是开了这种合作风潮之先河。

    J Crew kicked things off in 2012 with a campaign starring Caroline Issa ( chief executive and fashion director of Tank magazine ) , stylist Julia Sarr-Jamois and French journalist Virginie Mouzat .

  17. 直至2010年3月10日,ST东北高(600003)分立上市,成为我国A股市场首例完整上市资产采用分立手段再分别上市的案例,至此,公司分立在我国算是开了先河。

    On 10th March , 2010 , ST Dong Bei Gao ( 600003 ) was listed in division . This is the first case of complete asset being listed division . Till then , the corporate division starts in China .

  18. 2004年1月1日CEPA协议正式实施,这开启了WTO理论以及实践的先河,也是我国积极参与区域经济整合的表现。

    CEPA Agreement was officially entered into force on January 1,2004 , which brings the beginner of WTO theory and practice in China , and the application also shows China has actively participated in the regional economic integration .

  19. 人工智能专家DavidLevy最近预言,在2050年,人类和机器人结婚将再正常不过。最近,一位法国女子就首开这种趋势的先河,恋上了自己的3D打印机器人。

    Leading artificial intelligence expert David Levy recently said that he expects human-robot marriages to become commonplace by 2050 , and the recently revealed romantic relationship between a French woman and a robot she 3D-printed herself seems to confirm the beginning of this trend .

  20. 1992年Casey案件的判决首开等待期间的先河,并要求年轻妇女堕胎必须征得父母亲同意,这样做没有医学上的目的,只是为了劝阻妇女在实践堕胎权之前谨慎行事。

    The1992 Casey decision opened the door to waiting periods and forced parental consent requirements that serve no medical purposes and are only intended to dissuade women from exercising this right .

  21. 二为1988年加州颁布的AB1725,开创共同治理法制化的先河;

    AB1725 issued by California in1988 that initiated the legalization of shared governance ;

  22. 第一项大变化就是:作为社交网站首开先河者之一,Foursquare社交网鼓励用户离开沙发,走到户外。

    Here was the first big change : Foursquare is one of the first social networking sites that require you to get off the sofa and out of the house .

  23. 20多年前,美国国家仪器公司NI提出软件即是仪器的虚拟仪器Ⅵ概念,引发了传统仪器领域的一场重大变革,从而开创了软件即是仪器的先河。

    More than 20 years ago , American National Instrument company NI put forward the fictitious instrument ⅵ concept that " the software is an instrument ", cause traditional instrument a serious change of domain , thus start the beginning that " the software is an instrument " .

  24. 闵表示,希杰集团在韩国开创了先河,专门成立了一个致力于“创造共享价值”(CSV)的部门。

    Min says CJ is the first company to launch a department committed to " Common Shared Value " -- or CSV -- in Korea , spearheading a call to action for sustainable business management .

  25. 研制的压裂液体系可以满足莫北油气田复杂地层压裂改造的需要,并获得较好的增产效果,高温低摩阻油基压裂液和高温表面活性剂压裂液在4000m井的应用开国内先河。

    High temperature low friction oil-base fracturing fluid and high temperature surfactant fracturing fluid was first used in the formation with depth of more than 4000m in China .

  26. 目前,NBA教练组有四位女性成员,其中就包括贝基·哈蒙。2014年,哈蒙首开先河,受聘于圣安东尼奥马刺队,成为北美四大主流职业体育联盟的首位全职女性助教。

    Four women are currently on NBA coaching staffs , including Becky Hammon , who broke convention in 2014 when the San Antonio Spurs made her the first full-time , female assistant in any of the four major North American pro sports leagues .

  27. 为了在实际中定量测度风险,1952年,Markowitz基于风险为收益率的不确定性或易变性的概念,提出以证券收益率的方差作为风险计量指标,开创了定量化计量风险的先河。

    In order to measure risk practically , in 1952 Markowitz put forward using the variance of return rate as risk measure index based on the definition of risk which is the uncertainty or fluctuation .

  28. Ebay借助京东这样的较成熟本土品牌重回中国市场并非首开先河,上月,亚马逊(Amazon)就入驻了阿里巴巴旗下的天猫商城(Tmall)。

    Ebay 's strategy to get back into the Chinese market with the help of more established local brands such as JD.com follows last month 's move by Amazon to open a store on Alibaba 's Tmall sales website .

  29. 中科院大连化物所研制开发的JGN型建筑结构胶及加固技术首开我国化学法粘钢加固之先河,已应用于许多工程之中。

    The initially developed construction structural adhesives JGN type by DICP had good performance which has been used in many projects .

  30. 这一在欧洲首开先河的计划旨在以纯酒精含量10ml为单位,引入啤酒的最低零售价格。

    In what would be a first for Europe , it wants to introduce a minimum retail price for booze , based on the number of10ml " units " of pure alcohol being sold .