
bà quán
  • hegemony;supremacy;domination;chiefdom
霸权 [bà quán]
  • [hegemony;chiefdom;domination] 所处的操纵或控制其他国家的地位

  • 旨在争夺世界霸权

霸权[bà quán]
  1. IMF的加权投票制、多数表决制和协商一致等决策规则都存在着财大气粗、以富压贫等霸权现象。

    IMF 's weighted voting system , majority voting system and negotiation voting system are all having the problems of money hegemony .

  2. 换句说话,目前的互联网结构总会让人想起美国的数字霸权,从WiFi标准到GPS。

    In other words , the structure of the Internetis a constant reminder of American digital hegemony , from WiFi standards toGPS .

  3. “您认为另一个国家会介入在该地区建立军事霸权吗?”——“可能吧。”

    ' Do you think that another country will step in to become the dominant military power in the region ? ' — ' Maybe . '

  4. 在未经联合国授权的条件下追求海上权力(seapower)的行为是霸权行为。

    Therefore , pursuance of sea power without the authorization of the UN is totally hegemonic behavior .

  5. US以反terror战争的名义侵略Afghan和Iraq,掌握了主导21世纪霸权的石油资源,并在中亚建立了行使侵略政策的US军基地。

    US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq under the name of anti-terror , and acquired the oil resource which guides the supremacy of 21 century and even built its military bases in the mid-Asia for invasion policy .

  6. 美国在201条款争端案中败诉之后,对上述既定方针毫无改弦易辙之意,其单边主义的霸权顽症可能随时复发,WTO多边主义仍然前途多艰。

    Therefore , even though the US lost in the " Section 201 " Disputes , its hegemony chronic malady of unilateralism may recur at any time , and thus the future of WTO multilateralism should still be uneasy .

  7. 然CEPA既然也属中国为推展区域经济整合的一项政治经济安排,为了维持其霸权地位,美国必然不会漠视。

    As CEPA is also a political economic arrangement for regional integration , US , in order to maintain its hegemonic status , will not dare to ignore .

  8. 世界石油中心的转移、OPEC的建立以及美国石油霸权的削弱都是双方在世界石油市场中博弈的表现与结果。

    The shift of the world oil center , the establishment of OPEC and the gradually weakening of American oil hegemony all result from the games between USA and the Middle East .

  9. 迁徙和杂交:失落在非洲腹地的异乡客&评V.S.奈保尔的《河湾》中的霸权话语

    Migration and Mixture : Lost Stranger in the African Hinterland & Comments on the Supreme words in V.S.Naipaul ′ s A Bend in the River

  10. 而IMF的行政官员本身或被迫、或自愿地受到美国价值观和政策态度的影响,从而不自觉地加强了美国在IMF中的制度霸权。

    In addition , the administrative executives of the IMF , whether voluntarily or being compelled , have been greatly influenced by the values and policy preferences of the United States , which undoubtedly reinforces the institutional hegemony of the United States in the IMF .

  11. 霸权稳定论和美国的新霸权主义

    Theory of Hegemonic Stability and the United States ' new Hegemonism

  12. 这些超级权力将霸权一词带入了国际政治。

    These superpowers took the term hegemony into the international politics .

  13. 美国霸权的文化和历史脉络分析

    Analysis of the Cultural and Historical roots of the American Hegemony

  14. 欧洲势力的逐渐地入侵,结束了这种地域性的霸权。

    European influence gradually brought an end to this regional power .

  15. 这个国家再也不会重获其政治和经济霸权。

    The country will never regain its political and economic hegemony .

  16. 他的主要目的是反对文化霸权。

    His main purpose is to fight against cultural hegemony .

  17. 海权、霸权与英帝国(1688~1815)

    Sea Power , Hegemony and British Empire ( 1689-1815 )

  18. 兰斯顿·休斯;黑人诗歌;文化霸权;黑人文化;

    Langston Hughes ; Black Poems ; Cultural Hegemony ; Afro-American Culture ;

  19. 区域经济集团化浪潮对美国霸权的影响

    The Influence of Regional Economy Blocs to the U.S Hegemony

  20. 国际传播中的西文话语霸权分析

    The Analysis on Discourse Hegemony of Western Countries in the International Communication

  21. 简析冷战后的美国文化霸权

    An Analysis Of The Post - Cold - war American Cultural Hegemony

  22. 萨达姆之后:美国中东霸权面临的挑战

    After Saddam : A Challenge to American Hegemony in the Middle East

  23. 另一方面是沃勒斯坦霸权思想带来的启示。

    Onthe other hand is Waller Stein hegemony thought enlightenment .

  24. 正确处理中美合作与斗争,灵活应对并制衡美国的霸权压迫。

    , flexibly handle and interact the supremacy and oppression from America .

  25. 葛兰西的文化领导权蕴涵着从霸权到合法化的理论旨趣。

    The culture hegemony theory embodies the purport from hegemony to legalization .

  26. 从《房间》话语看男性霸权

    On Male Hegemony in the Dramatic Discourse of The Room

  27. 西方文化霸权下的汉英商标翻译

    On Chinese-English Translation of Trademarks in the Context of Western Cultural Hegemony

  28. 媒介帝国主义与传播霸权

    Media Imperialism and Monopoly of Communication Media Review On Hegemony

  29. 霸权之翼:国际制度的战略价值

    Wings of Hegemony : Strategic Value of the International Institutions

  30. 文明标准的回归与西方道德霸权

    The Revival of " Standards of Civilization " and Western Moral Hegemony