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  1. 人工入化与自然天成&江西派诗学与严羽诗学比较研究之四

    Artlessness vs. Naturalness & Comparative Studies of Jiangxi School Poetics and Yan Yu 's Poetics ⅳ

  2. 论江西派文学思想对周邦彦词创作的影响

    On the Influence of Literary Thought of Jiangxi School on the Creation of Zhou Bang-yan 's Ci

  3. 宋元时期特殊的社会状况赋予了词集鲜明的政治指向性和浓郁的地域风格,由此得以另立江西一派。

    On the effect of the special social condition the collection has such a strong political color and an intense regional style that a Jiangxi School was established .