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  1. 提出了加快钱江源野生蔬菜植物开发利用的指导思想和方向;

    The guiding ideology and direction of speeding up Qianjiangyuan wild vegetables plant development are proposed .

  2. 黄浦江源区主要植被类型土壤水土保持功能研究

    Study on Soil and Water Conservation Function of Main Vegetation Category Soil in Headwater Region of the Huangpu River

  3. 澜沧江源区只有1个湖泊,面积仅有1.0km2,以淡水湖为主。

    There is only one lake in Lancang River source , whose area is only 1 km 2 , mainly composed of the fresh water .

  4. 应用恢复生态学原理,提出了三江源区退化高寒草地生态系统恢复与重建模式。

    Then , using the principles of the restoration of ecology , proposed the alpine meadow degradation ecosystem restoration and reconstruction pattern in the source region of three rivers .

  5. 以野外样地调查和室内分析法研究了三江源区高寒小嵩草草甸不同退化演替阶段群落中土壤有机碳和微生物量碳的变化。

    This study focuses on artemisia desert grassland degraded succession at northern slope middle part in Tianshan Mountain , and cluster analysis is adopted to divide the degraded stages .

  6. 本文采用指标权重的层次分析法,建立了三江源区旅游资源的多指标综合评价模型,定量地评价了自然和人文生态旅游资源。

    This paper evaluates the Three - River Source Area ecosystems tourism resources in quantity by applying the hierarchy analysis method of indexes weightiness and designing the multi-index comprehensive evaluating model .

  7. 松花江流域面源污染调查方法初探

    Discussion on investigation method of surface source pollution in Songhuajiang river basin

  8. 四川盆地南部嘉陵江组烃源研究

    Study on hydrocarbon sources of Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in south of Sichuan Basin , China

  9. 对嘉陵江的江源及江名的演变进行了初步探讨.研究了流域的地质、地貌和水土流失等自然地理特征。

    The authors initially inquire into the sources of Jialing River and evolution of its names , study geological , geomorphological features and soil erosion in the basin .

  10. 嘉陵江流域非点源溶解态氮污染负荷模拟研究

    Simulation of Dissolved Nitrogen Load in Jialing River Basin

  11. 第二松花江流域非点源污染输出负荷研究

    Study on Load of Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Second Songhua River Basin

  12. 目的了解松花江主要汞污染源综合治理后,环境汞污染现状及儿童体内汞蓄积水平。

    Objective To investigate the present conditions of mercury-polluted environment and the mercury accumulation in children 's body .

  13. 介绍了桐庐县分水江流域农业面源污染基本状况。

    It is introduced that basic non-point pollution status of Tonglu Fenshui river drainage area in this article at first .

  14. 嘉陵江流域非点源氮磷污染及其对重庆主城段水环境影响研究

    Study of Non-point Source Pollution in Jialing River Watershed and Its Effects on Water in the City Zone of Chongqing

  15. 大嵩江流域非点源总氮、总磷污染负荷占整个流域污染负荷的57%、43%。

    Agricultural non-point source pollution was take up57 % > 43 % of total N & P pollution loading in Dasong river watershed respectively .