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  1. 刘知几是位杰出的史家,同时又具有突出的文学才能。

    He is an outstanding historiographer and has special talent of literature .

  2. 刘知几认为诗、赋、抒情性文章、实用性文章都是文。

    He insists poems , lyric essays and practical essays belong to literature .

  3. 论道、政之间的传统史家权力&以刘知几为中心的考察

    On Power of Traditional Historians Between Confucian Orthodoxy and Political One & Research Centering Around LIU Zhi-ji

  4. 《史通》中,刘知几史学思想突出的方面,一是史法上秉笔直书的精神;

    First is the spirit of " writing and recording history directly " in the aspect of the method .

  5. 刘知几用通识方法对唐以前中国史学进行了全面、系统地总结。

    Liu made the overall and systematic summarizing Chinese historiography before Tang Dynasty using acknowledging in length and breadth .

  6. 从《文心雕龙·史传》到《史通》&简评刘知几对刘勰史学批评理论的继承和发展

    Form Wen Xin Diao Long to Shi Tong & A briefly comment on succession and development about theory of historical criticism

  7. 虽然受儒家正统思想影响的刘知几在历史观的认识上有所局限,但是其总体述评大多还是客观公允的。

    Although he was limited by the impact of confucian orthodoxy , over all most of his opinions is objective and fair .

  8. 刘知几认为文学作品应该反映现实、补察时政并有所讽谏,反对片面追求辞藻雕饰而忽视实际内容的做法。

    Liu zhi-ji maintains literary works should reflect and satirize reality , and oppose the way of pursuing form unilaterally and ignoring content .

  9. 刘知几提倡史书纯洁化,他要求史书思想、内容及其语言都要纯洁。

    Liu zhi-ji ' advocated purification of historical records , and he demanded to purify all thought , content and language in historical records .

  10. 中宗时代史书编修的烦恼促成了刘知几的不朽名著《史通》的诞生。

    It is until Emperor Zhong Zong period that Liu Zhiji 's masterpiece Shitong came into being in spite of troubles found in the process of compilation .

  11. 刘勰《文心雕龙·史传》开中国史评之先河,其史学思想影响深远,刘知几在此基础上进一步发展,著《史通》专书以论史。

    Wen Xin Diao Long written by Liu Xie is the first article about history criticism in China , and his thought of history has far-reaching influence .

  12. 《史通》集中体现了刘知几的编辑思想和编辑原则,即系统的编辑主体观,明确的编辑意识,简约的编辑风格,严谨的编辑方法。

    Liu Zhi-tong 's editorial ideology and principle in Shi Tong are as follows : systematic conception of editorial subject , clear editorial consciousness , brief editorial style and rigorous editorial method .

  13. 第二,分析了通识方法这一学术风格归因于:司马迁通古今之变的影响、刘知几的博学和喜谈名理。

    Second , The author analyses the reasons of the formed academic style that are Si Ma qian 's influence of acknowledging in length and breadth , Liu 's learning and Liu 's being fond of disputing .

  14. 孔子首先从实践上对这一问题做出了最早反应,刘勰对史家的历史命运问题提出了一般性的理论认识,刘知几、韩愈则明确表述了史家因修史而致祸的历史命运的必然性。

    Confucius had the first reaction in practice , Liu Xie put forward a theoretical proposal of historian 's destiny , LIU Zhi-ji and HAN Yu regarded historian , s disaster from compiling history as an inevitable result .