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fēng gǔ
  • strength of character;vigour of style
风骨 [fēng gǔ]
  • (1) [strength of character]∶顽强的风度、气质

  • 风骨奇伟。--《南史. 宋武帝纪》

  • 风骨可鉴

  • (2) [vigour of style]∶写字、作画或作文的风格有个性、有力量

  • 文章须自出机杼,成一家风骨。--《魏书.祖莹传》

风骨[fēng gǔ]
  1. 他们的作品画出了个人的风骨,画出了云南的精、气、神。

    Their works draw personal strength of character , draw a fine of Yunnan , gas , God .

  2. 我细细玩味,感到其真有点“贫贱不能移,富贵不能淫”的风骨。

    Careful pondering , I am really a bit of its " poverty can not be changed , wealth can not be sex ," the strength of character .

  3. 他的书法作品风骨雄强。

    His works of calligraphy present a forceful style .

  4. 再想想TimKaine这样的领袖,他们向我们的孩子展现风骨和奉献。

    Leaders like Tim Kaine , who show our kids what decency and devotion look like .

  5. 哈查兹自从被大型连锁的水石书店(Waterstones)收购之后,已不再是我记忆中独立书店的模样,却依然保留了自由人的倨傲风骨。

    Though no longer the independent bookseller it was during my London days ( since acquired by the mega-chain Waterstones ) Hatchards retains the stubborn texture of an independent .

  6. 风骨:古典艺术的美学风范

    Grace - and - Vigor : Aesthetic Model of Classical Art

  7. 诠释风骨&《文心雕龙·风骨》篇研究小空心钉内固定治疗跟骨关节内骨折

    Small cannulated screw fixation for the treatment of intra-articular calcaneal fractures

  8. 张说碑铭文的风骨美研究

    A Study on Vigorous Style ( Feng-Gu ) of Zhang Yue 's Inscriptions

  9. 风骨论及其思想渊源

    The Theory of Feng Cu and Its Ideology Origin

  10. 梅花是冬天的风骨。

    Plum blossoms are the bone of the winter .

  11. 风骨研究和西方思想逻辑

    Studies of Vigorous Styles and Western Thinking Logic

  12. 青春风骨:巴金的激情叙述

    Youthful Style : Ba jin 's Passionate Narrative

  13. 风格,风骨之谓。

    Style , also call the character .

  14. 这种美学理想的文学实现不是在素有“建安风骨”之称的建安时期,而是在盛唐时期才得以全面实现。

    All this was not fully developed in literature until the flourishing Tang Dynasty instead of the Jian'an Period .

  15. 唐诗风骨即坚实的思想内容和刚健明丽的表现形式的完美统一。

    The vigour of style of Tang poetry is the perfect unity of solid contents and vigorous and sprightly forms .

  16. 他的山水画以青绿山水见长,笔墨细润,风骨劲峭,色彩浓丽,如《剑阁图》。

    His green-color landscape paintings , such as the Jian pavilion , are marked by vigorous strokes and bright colors .

  17. 民族精神是从民族文化母体中升腾出来的最具象征意义的精神之光,是民族文化的主脉和风骨,它决定着民族传统文化的性质和发展方向。

    As the vein and strength of national culture , national spirit decides the nature and the direction of national culture .

  18. 文化秉性与精神气质的传承&论魏晋风骨与章太炎的精神联系

    The Trace of the Culture Character and Spirit Style & Talking about the relations of Wei Jin spirit And Zhang Taiyan

  19. 实则“三曹”不仅仅体现出“建安风骨”这一种风格,他们亦是六朝以华美为主流的多元化美学风格的滥觞者。

    In reality , the'Three Caos'not only embodied'Jian An vigour of style ' , but also were creators pluralistic aesthetic style .

  20. 人的自觉与文的自觉&如何在中国诗史上定位建安风骨文艺学研究试论当前文艺学研究模式存在的问题及对策

    Consciousness of Man and Consciousness of Literature Writing On the Problems of the Research Pattern of Present Literary Theory and Countermeasures

  21. 风骨与气的关系非常密切,气化育了风骨的情感性和美感力量。

    Grace - and - vigor has a close affinity to qi which nurtures the emotionality and aesthetic power of the former .

  22. 作为一种著名的文学风格,建安风骨几乎成了建安文学的象征。

    As a famous style of literature , the Vigorous Spirit of Jian-an has almost been a synonym of the literature during Jian-an Period .

  23. 北宗论家与绘画的审美追求,与《文心雕龙·风骨》篇关联紧密,都属于势体系的刚性美系统。

    The aesthetic standards of the " northern model " both in theory and painting belong to the system of tough beauty which focuses on power .

  24. 长寿绣是汉代刺绣中的一个重要品种,其纹样构成及纹样表现技法极具中国文化的风骨。

    Longevity embroideries , whose patterns of formation & presentation capture the spirit of Chinese culture , is one significant type among embroideries of Han Dynasty .

  25. 感遇咏怀诗体现了风骚传统及建安风骨,表现出诗人的高尚情操和政治抱负,对扭转齐梁以来的浮艳文风,起到了重要的作用。

    The poem of voicing feelings reflect the literary excellence and the vigorous style of Jian An and show the poet 's loft sentiment and political aspiration .

  26. 唯如此,中国大大小小的艺术现场才能成为立足于中国本土的、有中国风骨的国际艺术主场。

    That is the only way that China 's various art scenes can all be elevated into an international field that is still rooted in there own culture .

  27. 力求在设计中通过对我国梅文化的着力诠释,体现出中国传统山水园林的精神风骨。

    Makes every effort through to try the annotation in the design to our country plum culture , manifests the Chinese tradition scenery botanical garden the energetic character .

  28. 扫除腻粉呈风骨&论鲁迅风骨与理学精神尘土被风刮起来时,就形成了粉色的云!

    On Luxun s Vigorous Style and Spirit of Confucian Philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties ; which gets swept up by the wind to make pink clouds !

  29. 陈子昂的风骨说意在提倡力的美,刚健的美,以呼唤具有盛气壮采的文学,适应新时代的需要。

    CHEN Zi ang 's vigour of style theory aims at advocating the beauty of strength and power to awake the vigorous literature to adapt to the needs of the new era .

  30. 它的名字,“坚决”,提醒我们要有这样的风骨,不只是领导一个国家,而且要度过一个有意义的人生。

    And its name , Resolute , is a reminder of the strength of character that 's required not only to lead a country , but to live a life of purpose , as well .