
  • Liu Ji—an important advisor of first emperor “Zhu Yuanzhang” in Ming dynasty
刘基 [liú jī]
  • [Liu Ji-an important advisor of first emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in Ming dynasty] (1311-1375) 字伯温,元末明初青田(现在浙江省文成县)人。辅佐朱元璋平定天下,官御史中丞,弘文馆学士。封诚意

  1. 浅析文化视野下的刘基谋略思想

    On Liu Ji 's Strategical Thought from Cultural Point of View

  2. 论刘基文化在温州文化建设中作用

    The Functions of Liu Ji Culture in Wenzhou Culture Construction

  3. 榛芜原野的一朵奇葩&论刘基的词

    A Wonderful Flower in the Wilderness & on Liu ji ′ s ci

  4. 2006中国·温州国际刘基文化学术研讨会综述

    Conclusion on 2006 China ( Wenzhou ) International Liu Ji Cultural Academic Seminar

  5. 家园情结中的悖离与冲突&试论刘基的怀乡诗

    Contradiction And Conflict in Home Dependence & Homesick Poems

  6. 诗文系年是刘基研究的基础性工作。

    The year of poetry creation is the basic work of Liu Ji study .

  7. 第二章,探讨刘基的文学思想。

    The second chapter approaches his literary thinking .

  8. 刘基与他的两篇寓言体散文

    Liu Ji and His Two Allegorical Proses

  9. 刘基词作往往善造对句,喜用属对之法。

    Liu Ji Ci often made good on the sentence , with an on-the law .

  10. 刘基一生有着丰富复杂的生活经历和独特的人生体验,这些必然在诗歌中得到鲜明的体现。

    The life of Liu Ji is complicated and special , which must be shown in his poems .

  11. 第三章是对刘基诗歌艺术风格的研究,对其主导风格的沉郁和雄奇两个方面进行深入挖掘,并兼及其他方面的特色;

    Chapter III elaborates the leading artistic styles of depressed and grand and other characteristics of Liu 's poems .

  12. 第二部分从刘基诗文的角度来分析其如何受到道家影响的。

    The second part of the poetry from the perspective of Liu-based analysis of how it affected by Taoism .

  13. 其次分析了刘基诗文中透露出的道家崇尚自然、渴望归隐的生命情怀。

    Then analyzes the poetry of Liu Ji reveals the Taoist respect for nature , lives and feelings of desire Hermitage .

  14. 刘基《郁离子》一书继承并发展了先秦诸子的辩证思想,为我们构设了一个诡异奇幻而又充满哲理思辨的文学世界。

    Li Ji 's Yu Li Zi inherits and develops the dialectical ideas of Pre-Qin and constructs a mysterious and philosophical literary world .

  15. 从《御赐归老青田诏》看朱元璋与刘基的君臣关系美元挤兑黄金的风潮

    The Lord-Liege Tie between Zhu Yuanzhang and Liu Ji in Yu Ci Gui Lao Qing Tian Zhao ; run on gold against US dollars

  16. 第四章论述刘基诗歌的意义,以前文的论述为基础,把刘基诗歌放在大的历史背景下所进行的定位,力求客观准确。

    Chapter IV elaborates the significance of Liu 's poetry under the big historical background according to its content and its styles objectively and accurately .

  17. 刘基《沁园春·生天地间》词,传为刘基悼念元末将领余阙而作。

    Liu Ji " Patio Chun-sheng between heaven and earth " word-for the memory of Liu Ji Yuan Mo and Que for more than generals .

  18. 此词文献来源难以确考,且相关史书没有记载刘基与余阙二者交往事迹。

    The term source of literature is difficult to test , and not related to historical records and Ms Liu Ji Que deeds of the two exchanges .

  19. 但是,多年来对于刘基的研究大多只集中于他的散文研究,其诗词却一直没有得到充分的重视。

    However , most of the researches on Liu Ji over the years have mainly focused on his proses , with insufficient importance attached to his Ci .

  20. 温州模式的文化遗传因子包括:历史上的宗族制度;地理上海洋文化与乡村文化的融合;学术上“永嘉学派”与刘基思想构筑的儒家文化影响。

    Wenzhou model is influenced by many cultural factors including the historical family system , the integration of marine and rural culture and the confucianism of Yongjia School and Liuji .

  21. 第四部分分别就刘基的道家军事用兵思想、道教鬼神观、道家管理之道做了论述。

    Part IV in respect of the military use of forces of Liu Ji thought of Taoism , the Taoist concept of ghosts , do Taoist Way of Management are discussed .

  22. 最后论述刘基的天人和谐观,包括天人和谐的哲学依据和天地之盗的实践。

    Finally , discusses the concept of harmony between man and Liu Ji , including the philosophical basis of harmony between man and the " Pirates of heaven and earth " in practice .

  23. 刘基是元末明初著名的政治家、思想家、文学家,辅佐明太祖朱元璋扫除江南割据势力,建立了明王朝。

    Liu Ji is the famous politicians , thinkers , writers in early Ming dynasty . His assistant , remove the first Ming emperor southern separatist forces , the establishment of the Ming dynasty .

  24. 本文就是从中国道家之文化内涵之各个方面来考量刘基的道家思想,具体来说分为四个部分:第一部分论述刘基的道家哲学。

    This article is from the Dao to consider all aspects of Daoist thought Liu Ji , specifically , is divided into four parts : The first part discusses the Taoist philosophy of Liu Ji .

  25. 历代学者对刘基词作不乏研究,大致可以分为词话点评、论文分析、词史专章、作品鉴赏等几个方面。

    Liu Ji history scholars on the word to many studies , can generally be divided into words what comments , analysis papers , the word chapter of the history , appreciation , and other works of several aspects .

  26. 论文的绪论部分对刘基研究的历史和现状进行了概述,并提出本文写作的原因、方法和目标。第一章,概述刘基的生平与著述。

    The introduction give a brief account of the researches on Liu Ji and makes clear the reasons , methods and objectives of the creation of this thesis . The first chapter introduces briefly his life stories and writings .

  27. 刘禹锡是个多才多艺的文学家,其散文无论是在哲学还是在政治抑或在文学方面,对后世如王安石、苏轼、刘基等人都有极大的影响。

    Liu Yuxi is a versatile writer , whose prose , not only in philosophy , but also in politics , as well as in the literature aspect , produces enormous influence to the descendants , such as Wang Anshi , Su Shi , Liu Ji and so on .

  28. 第三,刘基的思辨哲学明显具有先秦老庄朴素辩证观的特点的,他继承了老庄辩证法的对立转化、反本复原的基本思想,同时还对福祸相依的转化思想有所创新。

    Third , Liu Ji Qin Lao speculative philosophy was simple with the characteristics of the dialectical view , he inherited the Taoist dialectics into the opposition , which breach the basic idea of recovery , but also dependent on the fortune or misfortune to the transformation of ideological innovation .