
  1. 邵雍的天人关系说&兼评王夫之对邵雍的批判

    SHAO Yong 's Theory on the Relationship between Nature and Man

  2. 王夫之的阐释使礼具有了更浓烈的人文色彩。

    The hermeneutics of Wang made ancient rites more humanistic shape .

  3. 两种理欲观的对峙&王夫之批判李贽的根源剖析

    The Confrontation Between Two Theories about Heavenly Principle and Human Desire

  4. 王夫之诗歌美学中的势论

    The Momentum Theory of WANG Fu-zhi 's Poetry Aesthetics Thought

  5. 王夫之进步教育观论略

    Brief comment on Wang Fu-zhi 's progressive views on education

  6. 王夫之诗学在中国古典诗论中处于总结者的地位。

    Poetics of Wang Fu-chih is a summary for Chinese Classical Poetics .

  7. 王夫之的理欲观及其现代启示

    Wang Fu-Zhi 's View of Reason and Desire and its Modern Revelation

  8. 论王夫之关于矛盾问题的辩证思想

    On Wang Fu zhi 's Dialectical Thought about the Problem of Contradiction

  9. 王夫之文论的终极价值取向

    The Ultimate Value Orientation in WANG Fu-zhi 's Liberary Criticism

  10. 流意发音穆耳协心&王夫之诗歌声律论评析

    Comment on WANG fu-zhi 's Theory of Poetic Rhythm

  11. 黄宗羲是明末清初的思想家,与同时代的王夫之、顾炎武并称为“清初三大家”。

    Huang-Zongxi was a thinker during the early Qing-Dynasty and the later Ming-Dynasty .

  12. 王夫之词中的剑意象

    The Sword Image of Wang Fu-zhi 's Ci Poem

  13. 王夫之的消费伦理思想探论

    On the Wang Fu-zhi ' Consume Ethics Thoughts

  14. 第一部分介绍王夫之的生活背景、生平事迹及学术渊源。

    The first part is an introduction of Wang Fuzhi and his living era .

  15. 论王夫之诗评中的势

    Shi in the Poetry Comment of WANG Fu-zhi

  16. 第三章阐述王夫之对诗言志的独特看法。

    The third chapter is about Wang Fu-chih 's opinions upon Shi Yan Zhi .

  17. 论易学对王夫之史学思想的影响

    The Influence of The Book of Changes to WANG Fu-zhi 's Idea of Historical Science

  18. 王夫之审美意象说蕴含深邃的价值形而上学色彩。

    Therefore , Wang Fuzhi 's esthetical image theory profoundly contains a value of metaphysics .

  19. 王夫之学术研究的特点

    Characteristics of Wang Fu-zhi 's Academic Research

  20. 王夫之的伦理思想及相关理论具有重要的历史意义和现实意义。

    Wang 's ethical thoughts and his relevant views were of important historical and realistic significance .

  21. 因此,我们可以毫不夸张地说,湖湘文化因王夫之而发扬光大。

    Therefore , we can say without exaggerating , Huxiang culture is promoted by Wang Fuzhi .

  22. 王夫之《说文广义》着眼词的形义变化。

    Wang Fuzhi s Shuo Wen Guang Yi focuses on changes of morphology and semantic meaning .

  23. 本书对王夫之的哲学思想进行了全面的介绍和深入的研究。

    The book gives a comprehensive introduction and thorough analysis of Wang Chuanshan 's philosophical thoughts .

  24. 绪论部分主要介绍了王夫之词作概况及其研究历史和现状。

    Exordia part mostly introduces the survey of Wang Fu-zhi Ci poems from research history and actuality .

  25. 在王夫之看来,实现了至善、把握了至真的圣人人格境界及其社会效用的实现是美的重要来源。

    The forming of ideal personality and realization of its social utility are the important sources of beauty .

  26. 这一部分主要从史学评论的角度,提炼王夫之的史学方法,阐述其史论价值。

    Historical method was summed up from the view of historical comment and its historical value was expressed .

  27. 如在对正统与道统的态度问题,王夫之的思想有明显的歧异。

    Such as in the orthodox and the attitude of orthodoxy , the idea of Wang Fuzhi significant differences .

  28. 王夫之认为历史发展的主要支撑点是天道和人道的相互沟通和统一。

    Wang felt that the main anchors of the historical development were the communication and unity between Heaven and humanity .

  29. 王夫之的景论是中国古代诗歌情景理论发展史上非常重要的一环,影响深远。

    His theory is a key link in the development of ancient Chinese theory of poetic scenes and thus very influential .

  30. 王夫之是湘楚文化的杰出代表、明清之际的伟大思想启蒙家。

    Wang Fuzhi was a preeminent representative of Xiang Chu culture and a great enlightenment thinker during Ming and Qing dynasty .