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wánɡ ān shí biàn fǎ
  • Wang Anshi's reforms
  1. 王安石变法是中国历史上一次重要的变法改革。

    Wang Anshi 's reforms are important reforms throughout the Chinese history .

  2. 经义是王安石变法以后宋代科举考试的主要文体,对后来时文文体的影响很大。

    After Wang Anshi carried out the political reform , the confucian-classics argumentation writing style became the major style in the imperial examination of the song dynasty .

  3. 王安石变法悲剧新解

    New Explanation of the Tragedy of Political Reform by Wang Anshi

  4. 王安石变法与美国20世纪30年代的新政

    Wang Anshi Reform and New Deal of the USA in 1930s

  5. 王安石变法中的失误原因探析

    Analysis on the Cause Leading to the Faults of Wang Anshi Reform

  6. 从王安石变法的失败谈我国农村的税费改革

    On the Tax-Fee Reform in Our Countryside from the Failure of Wang Anshi 's Reform

  7. 论30年代纽约贫民窟改造王安石变法与美国20世纪30年代的新政

    On Renovation of the Slum in New York in 1930s Wang Anshi Reform and New Deal of the USA in 1930s

  8. 北宋王安石变法是中国古代社会最有影响的制度之一。

    Wang Anshi Revolution which happened in the Northern Song Dynasty is one of the most influential systems in our ancient society .

  9. 王安石变法大致包括经济改革、军事改革和教育改革。

    Wang Anshi 's ( 1019-1086 ) POlitical reforms mainly include the economic reform , the military reform and the education reform .

  10. 王安石变法的主要内容和目的在于带来国家繁荣和有力的军事武装。

    The chief content and purpose of Wang Anshi 's political reform lay in bringing about national prosperity and powerful military forces .

  11. “荆公新学”是王安石变法的理论基础。

    Wang Anshi 's theory of " New Learning " served as his theoretical basis in introducing the " New Laws " .

  12. 虽然他们在有些方面存在着不同的看法,但在反对王安石变法这一总的原则下,他们的政治主张则是一致的。

    Although they had different opinions in some aspects , they had the same political views in the general principle of fighting against Wang Anshi reform .

  13. 由此证明,卜德认为“常平仓计划”与王安石变法无关的看法是错误的。

    Also this author indicates and demonstrates that Prof Bodde mistook Henry A Wallace 's ever normal granary plan as without any relationship with Wang Anshi .

  14. 自王安石变法开始,此次变法的评论和研究就一直在持续,研究变法的文章也是十分庞杂,几乎关系到法的方方面面。

    Since the Wang Anshi political reform began , the political commentary and research continues . The research articles were very complicated and related to almost all aspects of the law .

  15. 蔡京是历史上有名的奸臣,他从王安石变法的支持者到徽宗朝的宰相,在仕途上几经沉浮。

    Cai Jing is the history of the famous treacherous court official , his supporters of reform from Wang Anshi alternated to the prime minister , in official several on the ups and downs .

  16. 经济政策对经济实践的指导作用,例如,从财政货币政策有助于中原地区发展经济角度理解王安石变法;

    The practice of economic is instructed by the policy of economic . For instance , to acknowledge the innovation of Wang An - shi from the benefit to the development of Central Plains acquired by the finance & monetary policy ;

  17. 1069年,宋神宗作为一个想要找到统治国家方法的帝王,命副丞相王安石实行变法。

    In 1069 , Song Shenzong , Emperor who was eager to find the way of governing the country , appointed Wong Anshi , vice prime minister , to carry out reform .

  18. 宋代王安石的变法实践与变法思想都受到了先秦法家思想的影响,继承了法家的变法理论及社会进化历史观。

    Song dynasty Wang Anshi political reform practice and reform are subject to the influence of the Pre-Qin legalists ' thought , and inherited the reform of the legalist school theory and social evolution history .

  19. 在这场轰轰烈烈的变法运动中,王安石几乎所有的变法措施都与财政相关,都体现了一定的财税思想。

    In that vigorous reform , nearly all his reform measures were related to finance and embodied the thoughts of finance and taxation at a certain extent .