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  1. 2004年,合唱团在绵州大剧院成功举办了新年合唱音乐会。

    In2004 it successfully held the New Year Chorus Concert in the newly-built Mianzhou Grand Theatre .

  2. 本文介绍了绵州20-2凝析气田热介质加热系统的设计条件、设计参数的选取和设计特点,并对热介质油的选择作了论述。

    The design conditions of the heating medium system , design parameters and characteristic of JZ 20 - 2 Condensate Field are also introduced . Finally , a discussion about the selection of the thermal oil is given in the paper .

  3. 5岁时随父迁居绵州彰明(今四川江油)青莲乡,因自号青莲居士。

    His ancestral home was located at Chengji , Longxi ( present-day Tianshui , Gansu Province ) , but when he was five , he moved with his father to Qinglian town , in Changming , Mianzhou ( now Jiangyou , Sichuan Province ) .