
mián yáng
  • sheep
绵羊 [mián yáng]
  • [sheep] 属于许多绵羊属反刍动物中的任何一种,原为北半球山地的产物,与山羊有亲缘关系,不同之处在于体形较胖,雄羊无须,两角生出后较为岔开,老牡羊的角常卷成侧扁的螺旋

绵羊[mián yáng]
  1. 绵羊可以在这片地上自由走动。

    The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land .

  2. 这个岛的主要生物是绵羊。

    The island is populated largely by sheep .

  3. 绵羊边吃边走,穿行在厚厚的一层黄色落叶中间。

    Sheep were munching their way through a yellow carpet of leaves .

  4. 不断有绵羊被那根铁丝缠住,最后就把它拆掉了。

    Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and eventually the wire was removed

  5. 绵羊奶和山羊奶的生产过程差不多。

    Sheep 's milk is produced in much the same way as goat 's milk .

  6. 狼群撕咬绵羊。

    Wolves worry the sheep .

  7. 有人问狼会不会攻击绵羊甚至人类。

    Some people ask if wolves will attack sheep or even humans .

  8. 他们有骆驼、绵羊和其他动物。

    They have camels , sheep and other animals .

  9. 接着,他也能看清绵羊和羊羔了。

    Then he could see the sheep and the lambs .

  10. 迫于无奈,他杀死了自己的绵羊来充饥。可是,风暴依然持续不停,继而又杀死山羊。

    then , as the storm still continued , he killed his goats .

  11. 赛跑的绵羊也冲得漂亮。

    the racing4 lambs too have fair their fling .

  12. 绵羊们互相交流着厌恶的表情。

    The sheep looked at each other in disgust .

  13. 山羊与绵羊不一样。

    A goat is different from a sheep .

  14. 树下有一只绵羊。

    There is a sheep under the tree .

  15. 绵羊安静地躺在她的脚边,一点儿也不怕。

    The sheep lay calmly at her feet .

  16. 这些干草被不断地扔给下面的母牛、马、绵羊们吃。

    And there was always hay being pitched down to the cows and the hourses and the sheep .

  17. 有句古谚曾说,绵羊每叫一声,它就会掉落一口干草

    There is a saying that every time the sheep bleats , it loses a mouthful of hay .

  18. 绵羊们向小路走去,后面跟着摇摇摆摆的公鹅。

    The sheep moved off down the lane , the gander waddled along behind them , pulling grass .

  19. 当绵羊们在雨中吃腻了,便慢吞吞地沿着小路回到了羊圈里。

    When the sheep tired of standing4 in the rain , they walked slowly up the lane and into the fold .

  20. 不久,除了影子和绵羊咀嚼的声音,还有头顶的牛牵动链子发出的哗啦声外,什么也感觉不到了。

    Soon there were only shadows and the noises of the sheep chewing their cuds , and occasionally the rattle29 of a cow-chain up overhead .

  21. 然后一头母牛把这消息告诉了一只绵羊,不久所有的绵羊也知道了。羊羔们又从他们的母亲那里了解了一切。

    Then one of the cows told one of the sheep , and soon all the sheep knew . The lambs learned about it from their mothers .

  22. 那天早上晚些时候,动物们都从草场那边走回来了——绵羊,羊羔,公鹅,母鹅,七只小鹅。

    Later on that morning , the animals came up from the pasture — the sheep , the lambs , the gander , the goose , and the seven goslings .

  23. 而即将于2015年推出的乙未年贺年邮票上,这只绵羊已经戴上了织好的围脖。

    The sheep is the animal for 2015 , heralding , according to astrological storytelling . In 2003 , the stamp on the cards issued by the post office had as its design a fluffy sheep busily knitting a scarf .

  24. 从绵羊全血提取DNA的改进方法

    An Improved Method to Extract DNA from Sheep Whole Blood

  25. 从细胞色素b基因全序列分析岩羊和山羊、绵羊的系统发生关系

    The Phylogenetic Relationship among Goat , Sheep and Bharal Based on Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene Sequences

  26. 几个地方绵羊品种线粒体DNA(mtDNA)细胞色素b基因多态性研究

    MtDNA Cytochrome B Gene Polymorphisms on Some Chinese Indigenous Sheep Breeds

  27. 与未应用SI的绵羊比较,实施SI后的绵羊肺损伤减轻,肺不张改善。

    Compared with ventilation without SI , lung injury was abated after SI .

  28. 而绵羊红细胞花结(E花结)形成率分别是20.9%和1.1%。

    The percentages of E rosette were 20.9 % in PEL and 1.1 % in thymocytes .

  29. 通过激光显微切割技术和微量DNA提取技术,共获得了13份绵羊肝脏组织不同时期、不同细胞的基因组DNA样品。

    By Laser microdissection and micro DNA extraction , we got 13 cell samples of different periods . 5 .

  30. 维生素E(VE)的产品形式和添加方式对绵羊VE营养指标的影响

    Effects of Product Form and Administrated Routes of Vitamin E on Vitamin E Nutritional Index in Sheep