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mián mián
  • continuous;unbroken
绵绵 [mián mián]
  • [continuous;unbroken] 微细;连续不断的样子

  • 秋雨绵绵

绵绵[mián mián]
  1. 黄昏,又是一个黄昏,绵绵细雨仿佛天神泣泪,沉入大海深处。

    The continuous drizzle sank into the deep sea , as the deities'tears .

  2. 悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有我绵绵的思念。

    Light poems are in leisurely clouds and continuous missing is in light poems .

  3. 怎样才能使你的婚姻再次充满绵绵爱意呢?

    How can you put the romance back into your marriage ?

  4. 脚下厚厚的松针踩上去软绵绵的。

    The carpet of pine needles was soft underfoot .

  5. 这是4月一个阴雨绵绵的星期天。

    It was a grey , wet April Sunday .

  6. 秋雨绵绵。

    The autumn rain goes on and on .

  7. 这支歌软绵绵的。

    This song is too sentimental .

  8. 他搂住她,在她耳边情话绵绵。

    He held her and whispered sweet nothings in her ear .

  9. 她病好了,但身体还是软绵绵的。

    She is well now , but she still feels weak .

  10. 已经是夏天了,可还是细雨绵绵。

    It was already summer but the drizzle continued .

  11. 尽管预报称天气很好,但次日上午仍阴雨绵绵。

    Despite the good weather forecast , the next morning was as wet as ever .

  12. 戴尔(Dell)收购案一拖再拖,似将绵绵无绝期,但它历时之长远非空前绝后。

    The Dell ( DELL ) buyout seems to have been dragging on forever , but it has a long ways to go before calling the folks at Guinness .

  13. 在科技网站CNET上,这款枕头被描述为软绵绵的大南瓜。DigitalTrends网站的另一名网友写道:我们只是好奇这种枕头能否排出汗液,以及如何散热。

    The Ostrich Pillow has been described on the technology web site CNET as like a giant garden squash gone soft , while another reviewer for the Digital Trends website wrote : We can only wonder how the pillow holds up on sweat and heat retention .

  14. 在科技网站CNET上,这款枕头被描述为“软绵绵的大南瓜”。DigitalTrends网站的另一名网友写道:“我们只是好奇这种枕头能否排出汗液,以及如何散热。”

    The Ostrich Pillow has been described on the technology web site CNET as like " a giant garden squash gone soft , " while another reviewer for the Digital Trends website wrote : " We can only wonder how the pillow holds up on sweat and heat retention . "

  15. 巴山的夜里下着绵绵的秋雨,池塘都已经涨满了水。

    The endless rain filled the pools on this autumn night .

  16. 但有时候,我们厌恶绵绵春雨。

    But sometimes , we are tired of the spring rains .

  17. 这种婚姻通常没有爱意绵绵、曼蒂克的过去。

    It usually does not have a loving or romantic past .

  18. 她浑身上下都是甜蜜蜜,软绵绵的,象蜂蜜那样。

    Everything about her was sweet , pale , like honey .

  19. 愿朱庇特神赐给你恩泽绵绵!

    May Jupiter continue to give you his gifts without end !

  20. 他伸出软绵绵的手碰碰奈德。

    He reached out and touched Ned with a soft hand .

  21. 当我放学走路回家时,正下着绵绵细雨。

    It was drizzling while I was walking home after school .

  22. 是不是震撼的眼眸,才传出绵绵的情意;

    Eyes is not shocking , it came rain , affection ;

  23. 它柔婉细腻,绵绵深意寸丝间。

    It soften fine , rain-inch wire between the profound meaning .

  24. 绵绵细雨沐浴那激动的时刻;

    The exciting moment is being bathed by good rain ;

  25. 她伸出手&一只漂亮的软绵绵的小手。

    She put out her hand-a pretty little soft hand .

  26. 春雨绵绵,有贵如油的说法;

    Spring rains , there is your argument , such as oil ;

  27. 绵绵的雨洒不尽无限的悲哀。

    The rain has been drizzling down with endless sorrow .

  28. 秋雨绵绵,天气一天比一天凉爽。

    Autumn rain , the weather cool day by day .

  29. 她渴望美酒和佳肴、绵绵爱意和浪漫情调。

    She wants to be wined and dined , courted and romanced .

  30. 未来的岁月似乎绵绵无尽。

    The years ahead seemed to stretch out for ever .