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hè hè
  • illustrious;impressive;majestic;very impressive
赫赫 [hè hè]
  • [impressive;majestic;illustrious] 显赫的样子

  • 赫赫乎可象也。--明. 刘基《卖柑者言》

赫赫[hè hè]
  1. 祖父马博罗将军在战争中立有赫赫战功。

    Grandfather horse General Borrow has the illustrious military exploits in the war neutrality .

  2. 前后相距四十年,北魏如何能从武功赫赫的马上王国,一跃而成为礼仪文物繁荣、制度体制完善的泱泱大国。

    In these forty years apart , how the once illustrious martial arts from the kingdom , leaped into prosperity ritual artifacts , system sound great country system .

  3. 虽然以前我很少写到杰克•韦尔奇,哪怕是他担任通用电气(GeneralElectric)CEO、声名赫赫之时,但我一直关注并赞赏他高超的应对媒体之道。

    Even though I rarely wrote about Welch when he was becoming a household name as chief executive of General Electric ( GE ) , I watched and admired the way he handled himself with the media .

  4. Netflix是最早通过互联网提供超高清视频的顶级服务提供商,通过宽带实现这一功能就是一项赫赫伟绩(而且还不对用户额外收费)。

    Netflix , the first premium service to deliver UHD video over the Internet , has accomplished an impressive feat in making it work over broadband ( at no additional cost to subscribers ) .

  5. 威廉·达布尼自愿参加了威名赫赫的特种部队

    William Dabney volunteers for the exciting-sounding " Special service . "

  6. 从前有个法国国王,声名赫赫,又有权威。

    There was once a king of France so splendid and powerful .

  7. 雷文克拉夫特将军一生战功赫赫。

    General ravencroft had had a most distinguished career .

  8. 那么主妇们名声赫赫的唠叨意味着什么呢?

    And what about all that nagging that wives are so famous for ?

  9. 这位老人从事名声赫赫的在外交职业。

    The old man has had a distinguished career in the diplomatic service .

  10. 谁有特权处在威势赫赫的体制内部?

    Who has the right to be within the system of power and righteousness ?

  11. 他因战功而被封为爵士。他立下了赫赫战功。

    He was knighted for his war services .

  12. 精英类型:封建兵种欧洲所有骑士中,诺曼骑士无疑最为威名赫赫。

    Of all the knights of Europe , the Normans are the most renowned .

  13. 他立下了赫赫战功。

    He established brilliant achievements in war .

  14. 巴雷图斯马靴因其新颖的设计,上乘的质量以及客户定制的服务而声名赫赫。

    Barretos Boots have earned quite a reputation for design , quality and custom made service .

  15. 从最开始一群朋友组团为路人唱小夜曲,直到现在成为声名赫赫的大合唱团。

    What began as a group of friends serenading passersby , has grown into a powerhouse vocal ensemble .

  16. 这是其成就缔造人民共和国赫赫功业的重要基础。

    And the great achievement of the foundation of PRC is based on his tremendous , bold and unrestrained daring .

  17. 一个著名的滑稽歌剧演员本周在这里公演,那种赫赫声名和豪华气派把她震住了。

    A noted comic opera comedian was holding forth that week , and the air of distinction and prosperity overawed her .

  18. 很多毛利人适龄男子志愿参加毛利营,在北非和南欧战场立下了赫赫成功。

    A high proportion of eligible men volunteered for the Maori Battalion and fought with distinction in North Africa and Southern Europe .

  19. 该记录片因英国英语腔调“泛滥”而引人注目:尤其是全方位呈现如此威名赫赫的一所美国服装学院。

    The film is striking for its number of English accents : especially in a study of such a quintessentially American institution .

  20. 抛开罗马徒有其表的赫赫声名,它还有什么可与你们相比拟?

    For , setting aside only the splendor of the Roman name , what remains in which they can be compared to you ?

  21. 在他身上,人们看不到许多以往权势赫赫的人物退休后的那种悲哀和意志消沉。

    He bears no trace of the sadness and lack of purpose that hangs over many formerly powerful men in their later years .

  22. 尽管其马上冲锋威名赫赫,但有时处于实际需要步行作战更为有效。

    Although they have a reputation for rashness when mounted , many are pragmatic enough to realise that sometimes it is better to fight on foot .

  23. 上周托雷斯在维拉公园的绝杀让他在72场英超联赛拿到50球的赫赫战绩,这个记录在安菲尔德无人能及。

    El Nino 's winner at Villa Park last week took his tally to50 league goals in72 appearances-a stat no one in Anfield history can match .

  24. 我们漫步走上那个隆起的土冈,那里,声威赫赫的汉武帝曾坐在他的宫廷里统治世界

    We walked over to the raised mound of earth where the celebrated Emperor Wu of Han once sat in his throne room and ruled the earth

  25. 温特沃思上校具有二万五千镑的财产,赫赫功绩又把他推上了很高的职位,他不再是个无名小卒。

    Captain Wentworth , with five-and-twenty thousand pounds , and as high in his profession as merit and activity could place him , was no longer nobody .

  26. 公元前106年卫青去世,汉武帝命人特地为卫青修建了一座像庐山(匈奴境内的一座山)的坟墓,以象征卫青一生的赫赫战功。

    He died in 106 B. C. and was buried at large tomb built to be a model of Mount Lu , a mountain in Xiongnu-occupied territory .

  27. 作者德莱塞笔下所塑造的嘉莉妹妹这一小资产阶级代表,从一个纯真,快乐的农村姑娘变成一个名声赫赫的演员。

    Theodore Dreiser dramatizes the image of Sister Carrie & the representative of American bourgeoisie who is a famous actress before being a childlike and happy village girl .

  28. 后人怀念项羽,都称颂他决战的勇气和打败秦军主力的赫赫战功。

    Posterity has always cherished the memory of Xiang Yu for his indomitable courage , invincible resolution and great military feats in fighting against the superior Qin army .

  29. 由于其威名赫赫,故而需求日盛,那些留在故土的轻骑兵们则踏上佣兵生涯。

    Well renowned as elite light cavalry , those that remained in their native land prefer to take lucrative work as mercenaries , since they are much in demand .

  30. 过去IS的内饰与其说精致不如说是粗糙,新的IS内部做工精良造型时髦,而且充分让人感觉到凌志的豪华(译者注:显然是托!赫赫)

    The original IS interior was more weird than elegant , but the new car 's cabin is as well-crafted , modern , and luxurious as you would expect from Lexus .