
  • 网络herzl;Theodor Herzl;Theodore Herzl
  1. 迂回穿过蠕动的车流,来到一处仓库,伊泰•古特曼(ItaiGutman)在赫茨尔啤酒厂(HerzlBrewery)通宵工作已经进入次日下午。直到最近,除了啤酒爱好者外,这家本地啤酒厂还并不怎么出名。

    In a warehouse across the roundabout of snaked traffic , Itai Gutman 's overnight shift had spilled into afternoon at Herzl Brewery , a local ale distillery that was , until recently , relatively unknown , except by microbrew aficionados .

  2. 在赫茨尔啤酒厂,他采用传统方法用其他作物酿造啤酒:先把粮食磨成粉,然后将其与啤酒花、水和酵母混合,酿造出最终产品。

    He produced the beer using the same traditional method he uses with other products at Herzl Brewery - milling the grains and mixing them with hops , water and yeast to create the final product .

  3. 历史上犹太人的悲惨处境和复国梦想以及19世纪欧洲的思想文化影响,使赫茨尔从赞成同化转向倡导复国。

    The miserable situations that jewish people went through , the dream of restoring the Jewish state , and the influence of the European thoughts and cultures of the 19 th century , made Herzl divert from endorsing assimilation to advocating Zionism .