
  • 网络HUSKY;heskey;emile heskey
  1. 他个人还掌握着加拿大石油集团赫斯基能源(huskyenergy)的控股权。

    He also has a personal controlling interest in husky energy , the Canadian oil group .

  2. 亚洲首富李嘉诚将把赫斯基能源(HuskyEnergy)的6%股份出售给他的控股公司,这是一场规模更大的调整的一部分。

    Mr. Li , Asia 's richest man , is selling a 6 percent stake in Husky Energy to his holding company as part of a broader shake-up .

  3. 当该公司上月帮助重组其所持的赫斯基能源公司(huskyenergy)35%的股份时,它同意未来两年只以股票、而非现金形式获取股息。

    When hutch helped recapitalise 35 per cent owned husky energy last month , it agreed to take dividends in shares rather than cash for the next two years .

  4. 2006年,这块气田被香港商人李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)控股的赫斯基公司发现。它位于香港东南约190英里处,是公司迄今为止发现的最大气田。

    The gas , which Husky discovered in 2006 , is about 190 miles southeast of Hong Kong and is the largest to date for Husky , which is controlled by the Hong Kong businessman Li Ka-shing .

  5. 赫斯基思是一家杂货店的继承人。

    Hesketh was the heir to a grocery fortune .

  6. 赫斯基博士说他早在十年前参加纽约市马拉松赛跑时就已发现了这一点。

    Hirsch says he discovered that when he ran in the New York City Marathon a decade ago .

  7. 赫斯基注塑系统是为塑胶加工工业提供注塑设备和服务的世界知名的供应商之一。

    Husky Injection Molding Systems is a global leading supplier of injection molding equipment and services to the plastics industry .

  8. 然而自那时以来油价出现大跌,赫斯基股价下挫四分之一。

    But the collapse in the oil price since has knocked about a quarter off the value of Husky shares .

  9. 如果赫斯基股权置换能够帮助他稳固控制权,这将是他最精明的买卖之一。

    If the Husky swap helps him keep control , it will rank as one of the tycoon 's slickest trades .

  10. 对阵维甘,马可莱莱将球带丢之后,博拉鲁兹犯规,对方的任意球时德罗巴漏人,让赫斯基进球。

    At wigan , the first goal came after Makelele gave away possession , Boulahrouz fouled and Drogba lost Heskey from the free-kick .

  11. 赫斯基可以住在寒冷的极地和波斯猎犬是中部非洲最热的地方在家里。某些国家的居民都是骑在骆驼上依赖自己的生命。

    The Husky can live in the cold polar regions , and the Saluki is at home in the hottest parts of Central Africa .

  12. 赫斯基是一家加拿大独资公司,现在全球已有40多个服务和销售办事处。

    Husky is an exclusive invested company with headquarter in Bolton , Canada and has more than 40 Services and Sales regional offices worldwide .

  13. 英格兰队只是在一场重要的世界杯外围赛之前进行一场热身赛,因为英足总需要钱,而赫斯基(受伤)则付出了代价。

    England were only playing a friendly before an important game because the FA needed the money , and Emile Heskey has paid the price .

  14. 在前期的强大阵容中,赫斯基与和他同样高大的奥涅乌有过几次交锋,其中赫斯基的一次机会几乎带来第二个进球。

    In powerful form early on , Heskey won the exchanges with the similarly statuesque Onyewu and one of his flicks early led to a second goal .

  15. 数月前,长江实业与和记黄埔的股东还可能不愿意接受赫斯基的股份,当时赫斯基股价正处于五年中的高点。

    A few months ago , shareholders in Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa might have balked at accepting shares in Husky , which were then trading at a five-year high .

  16. 赫斯基股份的交易正是因此而进行的。李嘉诚用赫斯基价值13亿美元的股权,换取了扩大后的控股公司的股份。加拿大能源企业赫斯基由李嘉诚家族直接拥有。

    Mr. Li is exchanging a $ 1.3 billion equity stake in Husky , a Canadian energy group , directly owned by his family for shares in the enlarged holding company .

  17. 赫斯基带球突破,传给了菲利普斯;赖特·菲利普斯将球射向了霍华德;鲁尼一个本能的射门被美国门将飞身左扑拦住了,只滚出了一码远。

    Heskey headed over from under the posts , Wright-Phillips shot straight at Howard and Rooney saw an instinctive shot drift a yard wide with the American'keeper scrambling to his left .

  18. 其他可能的烃源岩为马更些三角洲盆地提供了一些油气藏,包括侏罗系赫斯基组和白垩系的山古迪纳夫和北极红组。

    The other possible source rocks for the Mackenzie Delta Basin offers some of the reservoir , including the Jurassic Husky group and Cretaceous mountain Goodenough and Arctic Red Group . 3 .

  19. 不过,卡佩罗的助手弗朗哥-巴尔迪尼已经通知奥尼尔这次他将招齐维拉五虎:赫斯基、加里斯-巴里、卢克-杨、加比-阿邦拉霍以及阿什利-杨。

    But Capello 's assistant Franco Baldini has spoken to O'Neill and Villa quintet Heskey , Gareth Barry , Luke Young , Gabby Agbonlahor and Ashley Young are all expected to be in the squad .

  20. 赫斯基极有可能转会离开维拉,但是奥尼尔说他不想卖掉队中的任何球员,相反他还想试着增强阵容。

    Heskey has been strongly linked with a move away from the club but O'Neill says he does not want to sell any of his players and is instead focused on trying to strengthen it .

  21. 红军主帅拉法·贝尼特斯希望在转会窗口开启之际签下一名前锋,报道称相比皇马前锋范尼,拉法更想重签赫斯基。

    Reds boss Rafa Benitez wants to sign a new striker now that the transfer window has opened and reports claim he would rather try and re-sign Heskey than go for Real Madrid 's Ruud van Nistelrooy .

  22. 第二个球很不走运,因为是个越位。一次传球失误让对方把球得到,但当时正在中线四周的科尔无人补位无法阻止科特里尔的传球,赫斯基随即将球打入网内。

    The second goal was unlucky because it was offside and Heskey netted following a mis-hit , but Cole was unable to stop Cotterill 's cross and he had no cover as he got into trouble on the halfway line .