
  • 网络Arish;El Arish;el-Arish;Al-Arish
  1. 以色列海军与一条打算冲破加沙封锁线的利比亚援助船只联络,要求这条船驶往附近的埃及港口埃尔阿里什。

    The Israeli navy contacted a Libyan aid ship that plans to defy the blockade on Gaza and demanded that it sail to the nearby Egyptian port of El Arish .

  2. 以色列和希腊官员说,一艘受利比亚慈善团体委托的货船改变了原来直接驶往加沙地带的计划,现在将前往临近的埃及港口埃尔阿里什。

    Israeli and Greek officials say a ship commissioned by a Libyan charity has changed plans to sail directly to Gaza and will go instead to the nearby Egyptian port of El Arish .