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  1. 在经修复后的雅典运动场上雄雄燃烧的奥林匹亚之火。

    The Olympic flame burning brightly in the reconstructed Stadium of Athens .

  2. 那里满是雄雄燃烧的煤块。

    It was covered with hot glowing coals .

  3. 雄雄的宇航员和偏执任务控制中心的“微管理”之间的冲突,可能会成为一出闹剧。

    The collision of macho astronauts with the obsessive micro-managers of Mission Control sometimes results in farce .

  4. 雄雄相遇时,优势鼠的行为序和从属鼠的行为序有明显的区别,优势鼠指向接近和攻击的行为多于从属鼠,而从属鼠指向逃离的行为较多。

    In male-male pairs , the dominance had more behaviours getting to approaching and attacking and less behaviours getting to fleeing than the subordinate individuals .

  5. 交通运输部正在收到上述质料后,对该无船承运人包管金退回恳求事项进行雄示,雄示期为30天。

    After receiving the above materials , the MOC will make the NVOCC margin refund application in publicity , the public comment period is30 days .

  6. 在探究LD动情雌鼠气味源时,LD雄鼠比SD雄鼠表现出更多的嗅闻和挖掘行为;

    While , exposed to the substrate of diestrous female , LD and SD male did not differ in the behavior of sniffing and digging .

  7. 芦笋是雌雄异株植物,性别由一对等位基因控制,雄性基因型为Mm,雌性基因型为mm,基因型为MM的雄株为超雄株。

    Asparagus was a dioecious plant , and gender of which was controlled by a pair of alleles . The genotypes of male and female were Mm and mm , respectively . The male types were considered to be the super-male plants .

  8. 结果表明,在稻苗上饲养48d后,不论在供雄与未供雄条件下,两种雌虫的产卵历期、产卵量和存活率均无显著差异。

    For females supplied with males for 2 d or kept solitary , and then reared on rice seedlings for 48 d , no significant differences were found between the two morphs in oviposition period , number of eggs deposited and survival rate .

  9. 雄穗长、雄穗分枝数和穗行数的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均大于50%,早代选择有效。

    It was suitable to select the traits of tassel length , number of tassel , and row number per ear in early generation , because they had high broad and narrow heritability more than 50 % .

  10. 花蕾长至9~12mm,即从钟型花萼的钟口肉眼可见乳白色花瓣时,形成成熟的雄配子体,雄配子体具有3细胞的花粉粒。

    While the flower buds are 9 ~ 12 mm long , i. e. the opal petals are visible with naked eyes through the mouths of the bell-shaped calyxes , there form mature male gametophytes that have three-cell pollen grains .

  11. 雄球花出现百分率、新梢下部聚生的雄球花数、雄球花的大小和色彩等性状,均受多基因控制,呈现连续性变异;

    In the populations , the fertility , colour , number and size of male cone are controlled by multigene , and the variation of these characters appear continuous .