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xióng qiú huā
  • male cone
雄球花[xióng qiú huā]
  1. 试验结果表明,马尾松种子园植株的雄球花受到赤霉素GA4/7和脱落酸(ABA)这两种植物生长调节剂的处理而显著增加,赤霉素GA3对雄球花有一定程度的促进作用。

    The results indicated that GA4 / 7 and ABA significantly promoted the formation of male strobil and GA3 also promoted it to some extent .

  2. 花粉散发后雄球花变软,逐渐脱落。

    After the pollination dissipation , the male flower turns soft and begins to drop .

  3. 无性系母树的雌球花主要分布于树冠顶部;雄球花分布遍及整个树冠,但是,不同无性系有差异,可划分为上部型、中部型、下部型和均匀分布型。

    The correlation coefficient was -0.992 . The female cones of clonal seed trees were mainly distributed the top of the crowns .

  4. 1太白红杉球花在前一年10月份开始分化,第二年春天开始生长,雌球花一般着生在2~4龄枝上,雄球花主要分布在2~6龄枝上。

    The female strobiles are located at the branch of 2-4 years old , and the male strobiles at the branches of 2-6 years old .

  5. 根据种子园亲本数目与雌、雄球花产量的关系,建立数学模型,提出了一种评价种子园各亲本配子贡献的数量方法&平衡指数法。

    The mathematical model is established on the basis of the relation between the number and the production of male and female flowers of parents in seed orchard .

  6. 雄球花出现百分率、新梢下部聚生的雄球花数、雄球花的大小和色彩等性状,均受多基因控制,呈现连续性变异;

    In the populations , the fertility , colour , number and size of male cone are controlled by multigene , and the variation of these characters appear continuous .

  7. 云南松雄球花的变异性与生态环境和林木的年龄相关联,更与居群和林木的遗传结构密切相关。

    The reproducibility of male cones is correlated with the habitat and wood age , and closely correlated to the genetic structure of individual and population of P. yunnanensis .

  8. 迄今种子园中开花株数和雄球花产量稳定增长,多数无性系植株平均着花量约在700个上下,但仍有约半数无性系的1/3植株尚未开雄球花。

    There were about 700 male flowers per bearing tree for most of clones , but 46 % of clones had 1 / 3 ramets bearing no male flower at all .

  9. 雌球花主要分布在树冠中上部2~4龄枝上,雄球花分布范围较广,且常与雌球花混生;

    Female cones were mainly distributed on 2 ~ 4 aged branches in the middle and upper parts of a crown , while male cones on 2 ~ 7 aged branches in the lower and middle parts .

  10. 无性系母树的雌雄球花着花数量差异极显著,雌球花的重复力是35.78%,雄球花的重复力是47.31%,环境条件对红松无性系植株开花结实影响较大。

    The quantity of male and female cones of clonal mother trees reached to a significant level . The repeatability of female cones were 35.78 % , and that of male cones were 47.31 % , Environmental conditions had great effects for flowering and seeding of Korean pine .

  11. 开花同步指数在0.2498~0.4667之间。天然臭柏种群单位面积雄球花数量明显多于雌球花,二者之比约为6.27:1。

    Flowering synchrony index varied from 0.2498 ~ 0.4667.The numbers of male flower are more than that of female flower in per area of Sabina vulgaris populations and the proportion is about 6.27:1 . In experimental plot , female-male proportion is 0.6:1 and spatial distribution pattern is contagious distribution .

  12. 雄球花序中的不育胚珠和雄球花以及雌球花序中的胚珠均起源于环状总苞基部的分生组织。

    The abortive ovules and male flowers in male cone inflorescence and the ovules in female cone inflorescence are originated from an annular meristem which differentiates from the base of each collar . 2 .