
shēn lǜ sè
  • Dark green;dark-blue/green color
  1. 画家用了深绿色和棕色来表现波涛汹涌的大海。

    The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns .

  2. 这些叶子聚在一起,像是一朵深绿色的玫瑰。

    The leaves formed a dark green rosette .

  3. 这棵树的树枝扭曲多瘤且呈红色,树叶则是深绿色。

    The tree has gnarled red branches and deep green leaves .

  4. 他注意到镇上所有的房子和建筑都漆成了灰色、棕色或深绿色。

    He noticed that all the houses and buildings in his town were painted grey , brown or dark green .

  5. 研究人员指出:深绿色多叶蔬菜,如芽甘蓝、菠菜、花椰菜等都是维生素K的理想来源。

    Researchers point out that dark-green leafy vegetables Brussels sprouts , spinach , broccoli are all good sources of the vitamin .

  6. 我们通常把那些绿色的(各种浅绿、深绿色的)叶子叫做lettuce(生菜)。

    We usually call those green , light green or dark green leaves lettuce .

  7. 研究表明,三级层序SQSkp1主要以深绿色浅海陆棚相泥岩沉积为主。

    The research indicates that SQ_Skp1 mainly with deeply green shallow sea shelf mudstone deposition .

  8. 本人穿的就是Hackett的深蓝色细条灯心绒面料西装,此外我还一直觊觎博柏利(Burberry)的一款深绿色西服。

    My own is a dark navy needlecord from Hackett , and there 's a bottle-green Burberry number that I covet .

  9. 化合物2a2f含有二个硫羰基,为深红或深绿色晶体,可用作远红外吸收染料、激光Q开关及有机导体等。

    Compounds 2a 2f are the deep red or deep green crystals because there are two thiocarbonyl groups in the molecule , and they can be used as far infraed adsorbent dyes , laser Q switch and organic conductors .

  10. 深绿色的TL型斑叶,凹凸叶面光滑,贝壳叶型。标准型。宝贝属的多种热带海生腹足动物,壳非常亮且通常有鲜艳的斑点。

    TL variegated dark green , heart-shaped , quilted , glossy , scalloped . Standard . any of numerous tropical marine gastropods of the genus Cypraea having highly polished usually brightly marked shells .

  11. 菌株ZP在牛肉膏蛋白胨固体培养基上菌落为深绿色,产生水溶性绿色素弥漫整个平板,革兰氏染色阴性,呈杆状,无鞭毛。

    The colony of ZP is bottle green on the solid culture medium of beef extract , because the bacterial strain ZP is able to produce water-solubility pigment .

  12. 我妈妈经常喜欢穿一件深绿色的外衣。

    My mother often likes having on a dark green coat .

  13. 半重瓣到重瓣明亮的红色花。深绿色叶,叶面平坦。大型。

    Semidouble-double bright red . Dark green , plain . Large .

  14. 论深绿色理念下的经济发展模式

    On the Economic Development Pattern under " Dark Green " Concept

  15. 冬天是最适宜石松生长的季节。一到圣诞节的时候,石松团团的深绿色更显得婀娜多姿。

    At Christmas , their heavy green clouds are richly beautiful .

  16. 深绿色理念与住区建设可持续发展策略研究

    Concepts of " Dark Green " and Strategy of Sustainable Development

  17. 深绿色的叶子是根部健康的标志。

    Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots .

  18. 深绿色平坦尖型叶,红叶叶背。标准型。

    Dark green , plain , pointed / red back . Standard .

  19. 单瓣粉红色黄蜂型花。小的深绿色叶。迷你型。

    Single pink wasp . Small dark foliage . Miniature .

  20. 单瓣的紫罗兰色花。深绿色叶,叶脉向上凸起。标准型。

    Single violet . Dark green , quilted . Standard .

  21. 重瓣的红色花。深绿色叶,红色叶背。小的标准型。

    Double red . Dark green / red back . Small standard .

  22. 中-深绿色和白色组合成的斑叶,叶面平坦。迷你型。

    Variegated medium-dark green and white , glossy . Miniature .

  23. 大的长形南瓜,瓜皮米黄色到深绿色。

    Large elongated squash with creamy to deep green skins .

  24. 他几乎有五米高,呈深绿色。

    He was almost five meters tall and a dark green color .

  25. 在生态价值观部分中,克沃尔走得是深绿色路线。

    Kovel takes the deep-green way in his view on ecological value .

  26. 深绿色的普通型折边叶,叶背是红色。大型。

    Dark green , pointed , ruffled / red back . Large .

  27. 深绿色叶,叶面平坦,红色叶背。大型。

    Dark green , plain / red back . Large .

  28. 她是深绿色,有一双橙色的眼睛。

    She 's a dark green color with orange eyes .

  29. 深绿色,浅紫粉红和奶油色的波浪型斑叶。大型。

    Variegated dark green , lavender-pink and cream , wavy . Large .

  30. 黄褐色、茶色-可敬的理想与抱负。深绿色,粉红色和茶色组合成的斑叶。标准型。

    Variegated dark green , pink and tan . Standard .