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zhū lín
  • ovuliferous scale;cone-scale
珠鳞[zhū lín]
  1. 苞鳞:在裸子植物的雌球果中大量存在的结构,每个苞鳞都包含一个珠鳞。

    Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms , each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil .

  2. 2月底,苞片体积不再发生变化,珠鳞膨大端的基部的近轴面分化出2个倒生胚珠。

    At the end of February , the bract attained approximately their full size , and a pair of anatropous ovules were initiated on the adaxial surface at the base of the fertile ovuliferous scale .

  3. 珠鳞基部近轴面着生2个胚珠;

    There are 2 ovules at the base of the ovuliferous .

  4. 典型的短枝式珠鳞有一个较明显的轴,轴上着生若干枚鳞片,在鳞片的远轴面基部着生孢子囊(胚珠或花粉囊);

    On the typical brief-branch-type ovuliferous-scale , there is an obvious axis , and several scales on the axis , and there is an ovule ( or microsporange ) on the outside of the scale .