
zhū jī
  • Abas;pearl;gem;exquisite wording of a writing;graceful writing or expression
珠玑 [zhū jī]
  • (1) [pearl;gem]∶宝珠;珠宝

  • (2) [graceful writing or expression]∶比喻优美的诗文或词藻

  • 又利越之犀角象齿、翡翠珠玑。--《淮南子.人间训》

珠玑[zhū jī]
  1. 贴切的引语和珠玑般的诗句为他的演说词增添文采。

    The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches .

  2. 今天就去看看梅岭附近的珠玑巷。

    Let 's go to zhujixiang which is near Meiling today .

  3. 它如珠玑粉黛的浅浅蛾眉。

    It 's shallow , such as Tamaki Prostitute Crescent .

  4. 他经常以恰到好处的珠玑妙语使满桌的人哄堂大笑。

    He often sets the table a-roaring with a well-placed bon mot .

  5. 有事请留下您的珠玑妙语

    Leave your bon mots at the tone .

  6. 粤北南雄市珠玑镇三平正并殖吸虫高度疫源地调查

    Investigation on the highly infectious focus of Euparagonimus cenocopiosus at Zhuji town , Nanxiong city of north Guangdong province

  7. 他的字音说得又优雅又缓慢,讲到真正的学者,他的言语是夹杂着中国文学上珠玑般的辞句的。

    His syllables are pronounced gracefully and slowly , and in the case of real scholars , his language is set up with jewels from the Chinese literary language .

  8. 论文结合烟台珠玑车站,重点研究分析了烟台珠玑配送中心建设发展的必要性、可行性,并提出了具体实施方案和促进措施。

    Combining the Yantai Zhuji railway freight station , this paper demonstrates the necessity and possibility of building the Zhuji logistics distribution center and presents the implementation scheme in detail .

  9. 第三章重点分析了烟台周边物流环境、交通环境、车站及相关企业环境,论述了建设珠玑物流配送中心的必要性。

    In chapter 3 , the paper demonstrates the possibility of building the logistics distribution center based on the analysis of the logistics , transportation and relevant enterprise circumstance of Yantai City .

  10. 如果你愿意,就能捡拾深邃智慧和洞察力的珠玑,排遣掉阻碍你道路的感情困扰,如你所想。

    If you are willing , there are pearls of profound insight and perception to be collected now , and you can restring your emotional life in the way that you want it .