
pán gǔ wǔ
  • plate and drum dance
盘鼓舞[pán gǔ wǔ]
  1. 中原开封盘鼓舞的审美价值与认同机制

    The Aesthetic Value and Identification System of Kaifeng Pangu Dance in the Central Plains

  2. 之后,引入本文的研究对象一一南阳麒麟岗《盘鼓舞》画像石,并对其的出土等情况稍作概述。

    After introducing the research object of this article-Nan yang stone relief with plate and drum dance , and give a short overview with something of the excavated .

  3. 然而,开封盘鼓舞的传承形式有待于创新,其表演形式也应该紧跟时代的步伐不断更新,不能局限于单一的现场表演。

    However , heritage in the form of , Kaifeng disk encouraging need to be innovative , their performances should also keep up with the pace of the times constantly updated , can not be limited to a single live performance .