
  • 网络Zhushan Mountain;Chau Son
  1. 珠山八友作品鉴赏及辨伪

    The appreciation and identification of works of eight painters in Zhushan

  2. 珠山八友中的徽州人及其艺术影响

    Huizhou Artists in Eight Friends of Zhushan and Their Influence

  3. 焊缝的一个连续的整个圆周珠山周围。

    Weld a contiguous bead around the entire circumference of the axle mount .

  4. 宁南雀珠山地区铅锌矿床主要赋存于灯影组灰白色白云岩中上部或顶部,并受构造控制。

    The Quezhushan Pb-Zn Deposits are confined to the grayish white dolomitite of the Dengying Formation and controlled by structures .

  5. 镰的出现时间较晚,大约出现于距今6600-5400年前的小珠山二期文化。

    The emergence of sickle time later , about 6600-5400 years ago there was a small bead Hill two cultures .

  6. 该文针对颗珠山大桥的主塔施工过程中抗风控制及其关键技术研究进行了详细介绍。

    In view of the anti-wind control and the key technical study in the course of the construction of the main pylon , the article carries out the detail introduction .

  7. 通过这些论述使人们能比较系统地了解珠山八友的陶瓷艺术,对未来珠山八友的研究者提供有价值的依据。

    Enables the people through these elaborations to understand quite systematically ' The eight friends of Zhushan ' ceramic art , and its researcher will provide the valuable basis to the future .

  8. 景德镇珠山遗址出土过相同器形的永乐甜白八方烛台,但尚未见有类似的永乐青花八方烛台出土。

    No Yongle blue and white example seems to be recorded from the excavations of the imperial kiln-site at Jingdezhen though a plain white-glazed candlestick of the same shape has been found there .

  9. 明清御窑遗址位于景德镇市中心的珠山地区,2002~2004年由北京大学考古文博学院等单位联合组成考古队,对珠山北麓和南麓的两个地点进行了发掘。

    Between 2002 and 2004 , a joint archaeological team which consisted of Archaeology and Museology School of Peking University and other units excavated the Ming and Qing Dynasties ' imperial kiln which located in Zhushan area of Jingdezhen City .

  10. 磨棒演变过程是:横截面半圆形和椭圆形的石磨棒是整个新石器时代的主要型式,到小珠山三期文化出现了前几期中都不具备的横剖面为圆形的Ⅴ式石磨棒。

    Polished bar evolution is : semi-circular and elliptical cross-section of rod-shaped stone is the main type of the Neolithic Age to the beads three mountain culture period appeared in the first few do not have a circular cross section of the V-type stone bar .