
zhū suàn
  • calculation with an abacus;reckoning by the abacus
珠算 [zhū suàn]
  • [reckoning by the abacus;calculation with an abacus] 以算盘计数运算

珠算[zhū suàn]
  1. 本文说明了PB-700微机在三项作业设计中的处理基础、输出结果及其应用,分析了其处理效果:其速度是珠算的1536倍;

    In this paper , the principles of handling , the result of output and application of PB-700 mini-computer in handling of three work designs are explained .

  2. 论加强高职教育中珠算教育的必要性

    The Necessity of Strengthening Calculation with Abacus in High Vocational Education

  3. 大学珠算三步教学法的探索与实践

    Research and Practice of Three-Step Teaching Method of Abacus Calculation

  4. 从自我意识着手促进珠算教学

    The Promotion of Teaching in the Calculation By Abacus from the Self Consciousness

  5. 他们还学习珠算。

    They also learned to use the abacus .

  6. 二,我国珠算算法的发展历程;

    The course of development of abacus calculation ;

  7. 论大专院校的珠算教学

    On the Abacus Teaching in the College

  8. 论珠算教学中师生良好心态的培养

    The Cultivation of Teachers and Students ' Good Mental State in the Teaching of Abacus

  9. 但是一个武士却在教珠算?

    But a samurai teaching the abacus ?

  10. 从中国古算机械化特征看珠算的发展及其价值

    View on the development and value of reckoning by the abacus Prom Chinese ancient mathematical mechanization

  11. 21世纪的珠算教育

    Abacus Education Toward 21st Century

  12. 谈谈珠算的生命力

    The Vitality of Abacus Calculation

  13. 中国南通珠算博物馆

    China Nantong Abacus Museum

  14. 掌握好珠算这种便捷的运算方法,对培养思维和提高运算能力大有好处。

    To master convenient calculus method of abacus has great advantages on cultivating thought and improving calculus ability .

  15. 当学生们掌握了规则,我们将进行更先进的珠算问题以及心算。

    After the students have mastered the rules , we will proceed to more advanced abacus problems as well as mental math .

  16. 同时,高校开设珠算课不仅仅是掌握一种计算技能的需要,更是提高学生素质的手段。

    Offering abacus in colleges is not only necessary to grasp a calculating ability , but also a means to improve students qualities .

  17. 计算技术作为财经院校的基础课程,越来越受到重视,所以,提高珠算教学水平非常重要。

    Calculating skill is the basis course in the Finance and Economics Academy , so it 's very important to improve the level of teaching .

  18. 论创造教育在聋校珠算教学中的应用聋哑学生的教师必须有耐心。

    Creative Education in Reckoning by the Abacus in the School for Deaf ; Those who teach the deaf and dumb must be armed with patience .

  19. 这里汇集了七条有关珠算的信息,从不同时期多角度地说明珠算的意义、作用和研究情况。

    Seven pieces of information about Abacus combine here , which explains the significance , functions and research state about Abacus from different periods and multi-perspectives .

  20. 五岁的孩子对数字的运用有相当的概念,可利用珠算等游戏加强孩子对数学概念的掌握。

    Children at the age of five have a good grasp of numbers . Therefore , parents can play abacus games to help strengthen his mathematical skills .

  21. 珠算和珠算式心算计算的高速性,使儿童思维经常得到快速的锻炼,是提高思维敏捷性品质的有效途径。

    The high speed of Abacus Arithmetic and the Mental Arithmetic in the Way of Abacus gives children a good chance to be quick in the uptake .

  22. 而明代中期以后兴起的各种珠算著作则更是直接应用于农、工、商业等方面的计算技术。

    But the Ming Dynasty intermediate stage will later emerge each kind of abacus calculation work will be applies directly in aspect and so on agriculture , labor , trade computation technologies .

  23. 从今年开始,我们将会有一个先进班,学生们将继续学一些更难的珠算和心算问题,同时也会开始学些减法。

    Starting this year , there will be a separate advanced class for the students who wish to continue and perform harder abacus and mental math problems as well as learn division on the abacus .

  24. 由于算盘制作简单,价格便宜,珠算口诀便于记忆,运算又简便,所以算盘在中国被广泛使用。

    Since it is simple to make an abacus and cheap to buy one , and it is easy to remember abacus rhymes , simple and convenient to calculate with an abacus , it is widely used in China .

  25. 随着算盘的使用,人们总结出许多计算口诀,使计算的速度更快了。这种用算盘计算的方法,叫珠算。到了明代,珠算已能进行加减乘除的运算,广泛用于计算物体的重量、数量、面积、体积等。

    With the application of the abacus , people summarized many abacus rhymes , increasing the calculating speed.By the time of the Ming Dynasty , people could use the abacus in addition , subtraction , multiplication and division , which were widely used in calculating weight , amount , space and volume .