- 网络city clusters

Analysis on Air Pollution of City Clusters in the Delta of the Pearl River
Institutional System and the Development of the City Clusters of the Big Pearl River Delta & on Base of New Classical Economics
Regional Rail Transit and Urban Sustainable Development in Pearl River Delta
Preliminary Study on Urban Agglomeration Earthquake Disaster Estimation in Pearl River Delta
Spatial-temporal Changes of Urban Competitiveness in Urban Cluster of Pearl River Delta
Study on Harmonious Development of Urban Agglomeration in the Great Pearl River Delta
Urbanization Effects on Precipitation over the Pearl River Delta Based on Satellite Data
Earthquake Hazards and Their Prevention in Urban Agglomerations in Pearl River Delta Area
Classification System of Connection Road of Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration Based on Function
The Research On The Spacial Structure Of The Urban Agglomeration Of Pearl River Delta
The Strategic Choice of Economic Spatial Expansion in Great Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration
Framework for Urban Forest Systems in the Cluster of Cities in the Peal River Delta
Pearl River Delta megalopolises are the group leader of economy development in the south China .
Numerical Simulation of the Meteorological Conditions during a Regional Haze Episode in Pearl River Delta City Cluster
Economic Analysis of the Coordinated Development of the Urban Agglomeration in the Peal River Delta Economic Region
And then the recent and prospective goal of Great Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomerations are carried out .
Spatial evolution mechanism of urban conglomeration : a case study of the Pearl River Delta insurance in financial conglomeration
Urban Scale Ecological Footprint Model Based on Macroscopical Trade-correct Method : A Case Study in Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration
Characteristics of the airborne microbes dominant population and spatio-temporal variation in urban agglomeration of the Pearl River Delta , Guangdong
With the Pearl River Delta as a case , this paper discusses the spatial evolution mechanism of urban conglomeration .
Two other such clusters are the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei province region in the north and the Pearl River Delta urban cluster in South China 's Guangdong province .
As the high level of urbanization in east coastal economy developed area , there has been the Yangtze river delta , Bohai ring megalopolis and the Pearl river delta .
On the third , the paper analyzes the basis of economic integration with a synthesis view on their natural condition , historic basis , cultural tradition , dynamics and so on .
Since the Reformation and Opening , the industrialization and urbanization of the Pearl River Delta City Group ( PRD ) has made remarkable achievements , while the environmental pollution became increasingly prominent .
At present , the universal form of economic development in the area of Pearl River Delta city agglomeration is to gather and diffuse along with the traffic arteries in the process of regional economic development .
After analyzing of the actualities and problems of economic development in Pearl River Delta megalopolises , the paper has pointed out the countermeasures and stratagems that can promote economic sustainable development of Pearl River Delta megalopolises .
This paper selected Macau ( small but economy is highly developed ), Guangzhou ( Pearl River Delta highway transportation hub ), Shenzhen ( newly developed city ) as representative cities to investigate the urban road traffic noise pollution .
This paper takes Pearl River Delta Megalopolis as example to analyze and appraise its regional development strategy , and propose to strengthen open economy , implement talents ' strategy and sustainable development strategy in view of system theory and economic integration .
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region , the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta region are the three most developed areas in China with the highest urbanization level , so research on the effect of urbanization is of great scientific and practical significance .
As the subsidiary of the Southern Daily , Southern Metropolis Daily was founded in 1995 when it was a weekly newspaper . In 1997 , Southern Metropolis Daily has become a comprehensive daily newspaper which takes the Pearl River Delta Region as its target market .